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Retrospective on Aurora
H. Balakrishnan, M. Balazinska, D. Carney, U. Cetintemel, M. Cherniack, C. Convey, E. Galvez, J. Salz, M. Stonebraker, N. Tatbul, R. Tibbetts, and S. Zdonik
To appear in VLDB Journal, 2004.
Pose-Aware Applications and Infrastructure
Seth Teller, Jiawen Chen, Hari Balakrishnan
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, July/August 2003,
pp. 14-18.
Analysis of the Evolution of Peer-to-Peer Systems
David Liben-Nowell, Hari Balakrishnan, and David Karger
21st ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC),
Monterey, CA, July 2002.
ITP: An Image Transport Protocol for
the Internet
Suchitra Raman, Hari Balakrishnan, and
Murari Srinivasan
IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, June
PostScript (1.25 MB)] [PostScript (5.23
(Revised version of paper from Proc. ICNP 2000.)
Suchitra Raman, Hari Balakrishnan, and
Murari Srinivasan
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Network Protocols
(ICNP), Osaka, Japan, November 2000.
[Gzipped PostScript
(1.22 MB)] [PostScript (5.15 MB)]
Can E. Koksal, Hisham I. Kassab, and
Hari Balakrishnan
Extended version of short paper Proc.
(Also MIT-LCS-TR-807, May 2000.)
Hari Balakrishnan, Srinivasan Seshan,
Pravin Bhagwat, and Frans Kaashoek
NSF/DARPA/NIST Workshop on Smart
Environments, Atlanta, GA, July 1999. (Position paper.)
Policy Directed Code Safety PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, October 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (1.9MB)] [Postscript
(6.9MB)] [PDF
(390KB)] (137 pages)
Vanu G. Bose
Design and Implementation of Software
Radios Using a General Purpose Processor PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, June 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (116 pages)]
Godfrey Tan
Self-organizing Bluetooth Scatternets
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Jan 2002.
(1.2 MB)]
(670 KB)]
(73 pages)
Allen K. L. Miu
Design and Implementation of an
Indoor Mobile Navigation System SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Jan 2002.
(3.8 MB)]
(459 KB)]
(1.9 MB)]
(60 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
David G. Andersen
Resilient Overlay Networks SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2001.
(8.9 MB)]
(1.2 MB)]
(2.2 MB)]
(86 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
Jorge Rafael Nogueras
A Stream Redirection Architecture
for Pervasive Computing Environments SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2001.
KB)] (70 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
Nissanka Bodhi Priyantha
Providing Precise Indoor Location
Information to Mobile Devices SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, January 2001. [Postscript
(1.21 MB)] (54 pages)
Deepak Bansal
Congestion Control for Streaming Video
and Audio Applications SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, January 2001. [Postscript
(1.37 MB)] (54 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
William Adjie-Winoto
A Self-Configuring Resolver Architecture
for Resource Discovery and Routing in Device Networks S.M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, May 2000. [Gzipped
postscript (708KB)] [Postscript
(3.9 MB)](104 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
Hariharan S. Rahul
Unified Congestion Control for Unreliable
Protocols S.M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, August 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (225KB)] [Postscript
Richard Tibbetts
Linear Road: Benchmarking Stream-Based Data Management Systems M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, August 2003.
[Postscript (1.3 MB)]
[.ps.gz (563 KB)]
[PDF (631 KB)](61 pages)
Hiroyoshi Iwashima
Differential Bandwidth Allocation with Multiplexed TCP Connections M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, August 2003. [Postscript (1 MB)]
[.ps.gz (250 KB)]
[PDF (345 KB)](66 pages)
Winston Wang
Implementation and Security Analysis of the Infranet Anti-Censorship System M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2003. [Postscript (8.1 MB)]
[.ps.gz (492 KB)]
[PDF (582 KB)](73 pages)
Winner of the Charles and Jennifer Johnson Thesis Prize, May 2003
Paul Kim
Notification in the THOR Database System M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2002. [Postscript (1.7 MB)]
[.ps.gz (387 KB)]
[PDF (129 KB)](45 pages)
Jon Salz
TESLA: A Transparent, Extensible Session-Layer Framework for End-to-end Network Services M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2002.
[Postscript (570 KB)]
[.ps.gz (180 KB)]
(73 pages)
Kyle Jamieson
Implementation of a Power-Saving Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2002. [Postscript (1.3 MB)][.ps.gz (378 KB)][PDF (799 KB)] (61 pages)
Sidney Chang
Adapting an Object-Oriented Database
for Disconnected Operation M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2001. [Postscript (462
(138 KB)][PDF (369 KB)](67 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May
Nick Feamster
Adaptive Delivery of Real-Time
Streaming Video M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2001. [Postscript (11.9
(2.9 MB)][PDF (3.15 MB)](92 pages)
Winner of the William A. Martin Memorial Thesis Award, May
Jeremy Lilley
Scalability in an Intentional Naming
System M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2000. [Postscript
(85 pages)]
Winner of the Charles and Jennifer
Johnson Thesis Prize, May 2000.
A Distributed Architecture for Mobile,
Location-Dependent Applications M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 2000. [PDF
(656KB)] (58 pages)
Brett Vasconcellos
Parallel Signal-Processing for Everyone M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, February 2000. [Postscript
(67 pages)]
Elliot Schwartz
The Design of Intentional Names M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 1999. [Gzipped
postscript (358KB)] [Postscript
(4.1 MB)]
Andrew Chiu
Adaptive Channels for Wireless Networks M. Eng. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, May 1999. (postscript,
postscript, 60 pages)
Winner of a Masterworks Award, May