
Re: specification of destructive operation

	Below is how you can specify your example in Larch/C++.
I changed the interface slightly, because I didn't want to deal with
structs for listelem, as in Larch/C++ they have annoyingly complex
abstract values (on purpose).

	I don't think it's possible to specify what you want in LCL,
because the LCL model of pointers is not detailed enough;
but the LCL folk can correct me if I'm wrong about this.

	Note that, in regard to Jim's comment, I haven't tried
to prove stuff from such specifications, and so there may be details
wrong, and/or it may be difficult to do such proofs.
(That is, I haven't thought about whether stating the traits in different
ways would ease the proofs.)   Also it's clear to me that when I get
around to adding the LCL claims clause to Larch/C++, that would be very
useful in specifications like this.

	Gary Leavens
	229 Atanasoff Hall, Department of Computer Science
	Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa 50011-1040 USA / leavens@cs.iastate.edu
	phone: (515)294-1580 fax: (515)294-0258 ftp site: ftp.cs.iastate.edu
	URL: http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/larchc++.html

P.S. I had to make a couple of fixes in Larch/C++ to parse this (:-)
and I had to update a trait to specify this easily; so if you get Larch/C++
or the manual close to the time this is sent, it may not work on this spec.
But it will, and that's a benefit of doing such an exercise.

Here's the Larch/C++ spec...

// @(#)$Id: intlist.lcc,v 1.1 1995/01/13 19:52:52 leavens Exp $

imports pretend_bool;

class listelem {
  uses ListElemTrait;
  listelem(int val = 0, listelem * next = 0) {
    constructs self;
    ensures self' = [val, next];

typedef listelem * list;   // implicitly uses Pointer(Obj, listelem);

list  empty() {
  ensures result = NULL;

bool  isempty( list l )	{
  requires isLegal(l);
  ensures result = to_bool(isNull(l));
bool  equal( list l1, list l2 )	{
  // I'm guessing that you don't want LISP's eq, but equality of values.
  uses ToListTrait;
  requires not(circular(l1, pre) \/ circular(l2, pre));
  ensures result = to_bool(toList(l1,pre) = toList(l2,pre));

int   top( list l ) {
  requires isValid(l);  // which means l is not NULL
  ensures result = (*l)^.car;

list  rest( list l ) {
  requires isValid(l);
  ensures result = (*l)^.cdr;

list  append( int i, list l ) { 
  requires isLegal(l);
  ensures fresh(result) /\ (*result)' = [i,l];

list  copy( list l ) {
  uses ToListTrait;
  requires isLegal(l);
  ensures fresh(reach(result))
          /\ toList(l,pre) = toList(result,post);

list  conc( list l1, list l2 ) { 
  uses ToListTrait;

  requires isNull(l1);
  ensures result = l2;

  requires isValid(l1) /\ not(circular(l1, pre));
  modifies last_elem(l1, pre));
  ensures result = l1 /\ last_elem(l1, post)'.cdr = l2;

... end of intlist.lcc

A note about the last function spec.  The spec of conc is done
with a very handy syntactic sugar.  This kind of case analysis is
equivalent to the following desugared spec.

list  conc( list l1, list l2 ) { 
  uses ToListTrait;

  requires isNull(l1) \/ (isValid(l1) /\ not(circular(l1, pre)));
  modifies last_elem(l1, pre));
  ensures (isNull(l1) => result = l2) and unchanged(all);
         /\ (isValid(l1) /\ not(circular(l1, pre))
             => result = l1 /\ last_elem(l1, post)'.cdr = l2);

Here are the traits used above...

% @(#)$Id: ListElemTrait.lsl,v 1.1 1995/01/13 19:52:52 leavens Exp $

ListElemTrait: trait
  assumes MutableObj(listelem), Pointer(Obj, listelem)  % Larch/C++ traits
  listelem tuple of car: int, cdr: Ptr[Obj[listelem]]
    contained_objects: listelem, St -> Set[Object]
  asserts \forall i: int, p: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], st: St
    contained_objects([i,p], st) == contained_objects(p, st)

% @(#)$Id: ToListTrait.lsl,v 1.2 1995/01/13 20:08:34 leavens Exp $

ToListTrait: trait
  includes ListElemTrait, List(int, List[int], int for Int),
           Set(Obj[listelem], Set[Obj[listelem]], int for Int)
    circular: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], St -> Bool
    circular2: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], St, Set[Obj[listelem]] -> Bool
    toList: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], St -> List[int]
    last_elem: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], St -> Obj[listelem]
  asserts \forall i: int, p: Ptr[Obj[listelem]], st: St, so: Set[Obj[listelem]]
    isLegal(p) => (circular(p,st) = circular2(p, st, {}));
    circular2(NULL, st, so) == false;
    isValid(p) => (circular2(p, st, so)
		    = ((*p) \in so)
                        \/ circular2(((*p)!st).cdr, st, so \U {*p}));
    toList(NULL, st) == empty;
    (isValid(p) /\ not(circular(p, st)))
	=> (toList(p, st) = {((*p)!st).car} || toList(((*p)!st).cdr, st));
    (isValid(p) /\ not(circular(p, st)))
	=> (last_elem(p, st) = (if ((*p)!st).cdr = NULL then *p
				else last_elem(((*p)!st).cdr, st)))

% @(#)$Id: Pointer.lsl,v 1.15 1995/01/13 17:55:55 leavens Exp $
% Pointers, with the possibility of the null pointer and invalid pointers.

Pointer(Loc, Val): trait
  includes Array(Loc, Val),
           PrePointer(Loc, Val)
  assumes TypedObj(Loc, Val)
    NULL: -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]
    isNull: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Bool
    notNull: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Bool
    minIndex: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> int
    maxIndex: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> int
    legalIndex: Ptr[Loc[Val]], int -> Bool
    isLegal, isValid: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Bool
    * __: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Loc[Val]
    contained_objects: Ptr[Loc[Val]], St -> Set[Object]
    sort Ptr[Loc[Val]] generated by NULL, [__,__]
    sort Ptr[Loc[Val]] partitioned by isNull, .idx, .locs
    \forall p: Ptr[Loc[Val]], i: int, st: St
       isNull(p) == (p = NULL);
       notNull(p) == ~(p = NULL);
       notNull(p) => (minIndex(p) = -(p.idx));
       notNull(p) => (maxIndex(p) = maxIndex(p.locs) - p.idx);
       legalIndex(p,i) == if isNull(p) then false
                          else ((minIndex(p) <= i) /\ (i <= maxIndex(p)));
       isLegal(p) == isNull(p) \/ legalIndex(p,p.idx);
       isValid(p) == notNull(p) /\ legalIndex(p,p.idx);
       isValid(p) => (*p = p.locs[p.idx]);
       legalIndex(p,i) => (widen(*(p + i)) \in contained_objects(p, st));
       size(contained_objects(p, st)) <= (maxIndex(p.locs) + 1)
  implies \forall p: Ptr[Loc[Val]], st: St
      notNull(p) => (minIndex(p) + maxIndex(p) = maxIndex(p.locs));
      contained_objects(NULL, st) == {};
      isValid(p) == notNull(p) /\ isLegal(p)
    converts .idx, .locs, locs, index,
             minIndex, maxIndex: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> int,
             legalIndex: Ptr[Loc[Val]], int -> Bool,
             isValid, *: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Loc[Val]
     exempting NULL.idx, NULL.locs, locs(NULL),
               index(NULL), minIndex(NULL), maxIndex(NULL), *NULL

% @(#)$Id: PrePointer.lsl,v 1.4 1995/01/04 03:03:52 leavens Exp $
% Model of pointers as index into an array.
% This follows the idea in LCL [page 60, Guttag-Horning93].

PrePointer(Loc, Val): trait
  assumes Val_Array(Loc[Val]), int
  % This would be
  %   "Ptr[Loc[Val]] tuple of idx: int, locs: Arr[Loc[Val]]"
  % but don't want set_locs, "generated by" and "partitioned by" clauses
    [__, __] : int, Arr[Loc[Val]] -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]
    &__ : Loc[Val] -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]                  % use if not in an array
    address_of : Arr[Loc[Val]], int -> Ptr[Loc[Val]] % use if in an array
    __.idx: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> int
    __.locs: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Arr[Loc[Val]]
    locs: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Arr[Loc[Val]]
    index: Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> int
    set_idx: Ptr[Loc[Val]], int -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]
    __ + __: Ptr[Loc[Val]], int -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]
    __ - __: Ptr[Loc[Val]], int -> Ptr[Loc[Val]]
    __<__, __<=__, __>=__, __>__: Ptr[Loc[Val]], Ptr[Loc[Val]] -> Bool
  asserts \forall p: Ptr[Loc[Val]], i,j: int, a,a1: Arr[Loc[Val]],
                  st: St, l: Loc[Val]
    &l == [0,assign(create(1), 0, l)];
    address_of(a,i) == [i,a];
    ([i,a] = [j,a1]) == (i = j) /\ (a = a1);
    ([i,a]).idx == i;
    ([i,a]).locs == a;
    locs(p) == p.locs;
    index(p) == p.idx;
    set_idx([i,a], j) == [j,a];
    p + i == set_idx(p, p.idx + i);
    p - i == set_idx(p, p.idx - i);
    ([i,a] < [j,a]) == (i < j);
    ([i,a] > [j,a]) == (i > j);
    ([i,a] <= [j,a]) == (i <= j);
    ([i,a] >= [j,a]) == (i >= j);
  implies IsPO(<=, Ptr[Loc[Val]]), IsPO(>=, Ptr[Loc[Val]])

Other traits can be found in the standard LSL handbook or in the Larch/C++

Follow-Up(s): Reference(s):