Re: specification of destructive operation
obviously I didn't succeed in posing my questions clear
enough. Let me try to rephrase it. Below you find a rather
ordinary C module implementing linked int lists. The client of
such a module should be allowed to assign lists to variables;
i.e. s/he has the responsibility of keeping track of sharing.
I am looking for a way to specify such modules. In particular,
the specification should tell the client which procedures
- introduce sharing (e.g. append introduces sharing between
its second argument and its result)
- destroy list representations (e.g. conc destroys the representation
of its first argument (and introduces sharing of the result and
the second argument)
- provide fresh representations (e.g. copy)
Given such specifications the client should be able to handle
sharing in a safe and effective way.
As far as I understand LCL, I can not specify such modules as
abstract types. On the other hand, I like to use a list
trait to specify the functional behaviour of the procedures.
So, let me pose my questions again:
- How can such implementations be specified in LCL or LM3, if it is
possible at all?
- Are there other LARCH interface languages that support the specification
of such modules ?
Further comments are very wellcome.
Thanks in advance,
typedef struct listelem {
int head;
struct listelem* tail;} * list;
list empty() { return NULL; }
bool isempty( list l ) { ... }
bool equal( list l1, list l2 ) { ... }
int top( list l ) { return l->head; }
list rest( list l ) { return l->tail; }
list append( int i, list l ) {
... }
list copy( list l ) { ... }
list conc( list l1, list l2 ){
list lvar = l1 ;
if( isempty(lvar) ){
return l2;
} else {
while( ! isempty( rest(lvar) ) ) lvar = rest(lvar);
lvar->tail = l2;
return l1;