Graph (N, G): trait
% n1 \langle g \rangle n2 means that there is
% an edge from n1 to n2 in g
includes Relation (N for E, G for R)
nodes, undirected: G -> G
isPath: N, N, G -> Bool
stronglyConnected, weaklyConnected: G -> Bool
asserts forall n1, n2: N, g: G
undirected(g) == g \U (g\inv);
nodes(g) == dom(g) \U range(g);
isPath(n1, n2, g) == n1 \langle g\superstar \rangle n2;
stronglyConnected(g) == g\superstar = nodes(g) \times nodes(g);
weaklyConnected(g) ==
forall n1, n2: N, g: G
(stronglyConnected(g) /\ n1 \in nodes(g)
/\ n2 \in nodes(g))
=> isPath(n1, n2, g)
[Table of Contents] [Index]