Container (E, C): trait
  % head and tail enumerate contents of a C
  includes InsertGenerated, Integer
    isEmpty: C -> Bool
    count: E, C -> Int
    __ \in __: E, C -> Bool
    head: C -> E
    tail: C -> C
    C partitioned by isEmpty, head, tail
    forall e, e1: E, c: C
      ~isEmpty(insert(e, c));
      count(e, empty) == 0;
      count(e, insert(e1, c)) ==
        count(e, c) + (if e = e1 then 1 else 0);
      e \in c == count(e, c) > 0;
      ~isEmpty(c) =>
        count(e, insert(head(c), tail(c)))
          = count(e, c)
    forall c: C
      ~isEmpty(c) => count(head(c), c) > 0;
    converts isEmpty, count, \in
[Table of Contents] [Index]