Call for Papers FME'96
Call for Papers FME'96 Symposium
Industrial Benefit and Advances in Formal Methods
Oxford March 18-22, 1996
Supported by the Commission of the European Communities (CEC)
Organized by Formal Methods Europe
Co-sponsored by IFIP WG 14.3 (Foundations of Systems Specifications)
* Deadline for submission: September 11, 1995 *
The third FME Symposium will be held at St Hugh's College in Oxford from 18
to 22 March 1996. It will be organised by Formal Methods Europe, as the
successor of the last previous VDM symposia, FME'93 and FME'94, and
co-sponsored by the IFIP Working Group 14.3 (Foundations of Systems
Specifications). It aims at promoting the interests of users, researchers
and developers of precise mathematical methods in software development, and
at reporting advances in this field.
The theme of FME'96 will be
The Application and Demonstrated Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods,
Their New Horizons and Strengthened Foundations.
Three kinds of full-length paper are solicited :
(1) reports on industry usage ;
(2) research papers on existing methods, (for instance extensions,
innovative case studies,...);
(3) articles on stimulating theoretical research with strong potential
Authors are required to mention the category (1, 2, or 3) of their papers
when they submit.
Moreover, proposals for tutorials and tool demonstrations are welcome.
The following topics are in the scope of the symposium:
* Practical use, case studies
* Comparisons of existing formal methods, extensions, improvement
* Theoretical foundations
* Tools
* Specification and refinement techniques
* Proof and test
* Development process
* Linking formal and informal methods
* Concurrency, real-time and reactive systems
* Secure or/and safety-critical systems
* Object orientation
* Education and technology transfer
Descriptions of applications to the following areas are especially welcome:
medical systems, aerospace and avionics, telecommunication, defence
systems, traffic modeling and transportation systems, nuclear safety, etc.
This list is not exhaustive.
Further information about FME'96 will be made available for electronic access
using World Wide Web (open http://www.lri.fr/conferences/FME-96
General Chair
Jim Woodcock, Oxford University, Computing Laboratory, Programming Research
Group, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, UK, tel: +44 1865 27 38 38,
fax: +44 1865 27 38 39, email: jimw@prg.ox.ac.uk Maureen.York@conted.ox.ac.uk
Programme Chair
Marie-Claude Gaudel, LRI-CNRS, Universite' de Paris-Sud, Bat. 490, 91405
Orsay-cedex, France, tel: +33 1 69 41 66 29, fax: +33 1 69 41 65 86,
email: mcg@lri.lri.fr
Programme Committee
Egidio Astesiano (DISI-Universita di Genova, I)
Dominique Bolignano (Bull S.A., F)
Gottfried Egger (Daimler-Benz AG, Berlin, D)
Hartmut Ehrig (Technische Universitat Berlin, D)
Marie-Claude Gaudel (Universite' de Paris-Sud, Orsay, F)
Rene' Jacquart (CERT-ONERA, Toulouse, F)
Cliff Jones (The University of Manchester, UK)
Bernd Krieg-Bruckner (Universitaet Bremen, D)
Peter Gorm Larsen (IFAD, DK)
Robert Milne (BNR, UK)
Peter Mosses (University of Aarhus, DK)
Maurice Naftalin (Lloyd's Register of Shipping, UK)
Fernando Orejas (University of Barcelona, SP)
Jan Storbank Pedersen (CRI A/S, DK)
Nico Plat (Cap Volmac, NL)
John Rushby (SRI, Menlo Park, USA)
Jim Woodcock (Oxford University, UK)
Organising Committee
Ana Cavalcanti (Oxford University)
Bruno Marre (LRI-CNRS, Universite' de Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Anna Morris (Oxford University)
Andrew Simpson (Oxford University)
Maureen York (Oxford University)
Mountaz Zizi (LRI-CNRS, Universite' de Paris-Sud, Orsay)
*Deadline for submission: September 11, 1995*
Proposals for tool demonstrations should be sent to the general chair,
while all other proposals should be sent to the programme chair.
Industrial usage reports do not need to conform to usual standards for
academic papers.
Submissions by email are not accepted.
Format of submissions:
* Full, original papers mentioning one of the three above categories (5
copies, 20 pages max, following the LNCS format; a description of the format
and Latex and Word style files are available by anonymous ftp at lri.lri.fr,
directory LRI/conferences/FME-96
* Proposals for tutorials (1/2 day, maximum 50 pp of notes)
* Proposals for tool demonstrations (2 pages of presentation + hardware
and software requirements)
Notification of acceptance sent to authors: November 24, 1995
Camera-ready copy due to publisher: January 8, 1996 (to be received in Orsay)
SATELLITE MEETINGS: facilities will be provided for holding short
specialized workshops and other meetings (e.g. meetings of ESPRIT projects
or Working Groups) in conjunction with FME'96. Please, contact the FME'96
organizers as soon as possible if interested.
N.B.: A postscript formatted version of the call is available via ftp:
ftp lri.lri.fr
login anonymous
cd LRI/conferences/FME-96/
get CFP.ps