Interactive Response

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Interactive Response

Interactive response latency is an important metric for a service-oriented system such as Ricochet. The interactive response time was measured by monitoring the timestamps of packet transmissions and receptions for a telnet session using the tcpdump monitoring utility [1]. Under lightly loaded conditions, we observed a minimum response time of 280-300 ms. Latencies above 200ms are considered noticeable by humans; in fact, the delay is definitely noticeable, although tolerable. Under more loaded conditions (e.g., during a bulk transfer), round-trip latencies vary between 300 ms and 5 seconds, which is extremely high. Despite this, the network is usable for applications such as checking electronic mail, although sustained long-duration telnet sessions do not perform well.

Elan Amir
Tue May 7 18:07:57 PDT 1996