iNAT: Intelligent Naming and Adaptive Transmission
Project goals
The next-generation Internet (NGI) is certain to be different
from the current one in several important ways, including the
degree of mobility and dynamism of its hosts and services, the
degree of integration with the physical environment of sensors
and actuators, and the heterogeneity of data transmitted on its
links. The goal of the iNAT project is to design, implement,
deploy, and evaluate an integrated approach to resource naming,
message routing, and adaptive data transmission for this future
environment. The deliverables of iNAT include a suite of
middleware, algorithms, and protocols, which together solve
several hard problems including remote device access (e.g.,
surveillance cameras), host and service mobility, group
communication to dynamic services, audio/video dissemination over
heterogeneous networks, and congestion management techniques for
the NGI.
More specifically, our goals are:
- To develop a naming system for resource discovery in
ad-hoc, dynamic and mobile networks without
pre-configured support or infrastructure. This will
enable self-organizing distributed applications such as
camera surveillance networks accessible by mobile users.
A specific objective of the naming system is to make it
possible to name and gain access to devices and services
without knowing their network location, instead
describing them via an expressive and descriptive syntax.
- A mobility architecture for the NGI that can handle changing
network locations for hosts.
- To develop a resource management framework to manage
congestion and enable adaptive multimedia applications
(e.g., video and audio) in the NGI. This framework should
empower applications to learn about network conditions
and adapt their behavior to current conditions
DARPA PI meeting talks and reports
Papers from the iNAT project
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iNAT project people
- PIs:
Hari Balakrishnan | Frans Kaashoek
- Co-PIs
John Guttag | Robert Morris | David Gifford
- Current students
David Andersen | Deepak Bansal | Nick Feamster | Allen Miu | Jorge
Rafael Nogueras | Nissanka Priyantha | Alex Snoeren
- Research scientists & staff
Dorothy Curtis | Stephen Garland
- Past students
William Adjie-Winoto | Anit Chakraborty | Jeremy Lilley
| Elliot Schwartz
Funding for iNAT comes from DARPA (Contract MDA972-99-1-0014), with
generous additional support from NTT and IBM.