MIT/LCS Systematic Program Development Group
Former Members


Research Staff

PhD Students

Raymond P. Stata, Ph. D., June 1996
Modularity in the Presence of Subclassing

Yang Meng Tan, Ph. D., June 1994
Formal Specification Techniques for Promoting Software Modularity, Enhancing Documentation, and Testing Specifications

Mark B. Reinhold, Ph. D., June 1993
Cache Performance of Garbage-Collected Programming Languages

Mark T. Vandevoorde, Ph. D., May 1993
Exploiting Specifications to Improve Program Performance

Daniel Jackson, Ph. D., June 1992
Aspect: A Formal Specification Language for Detecting Bugs

Katherine A. Yelick, Ph. D., December 1990
Using Abstractions in Explicitly Parallel Programs

Joseph L Zachary, Ph. D., September 1987
A Framework for Incorporating Abstraction Mechanisms into the Logic Programming Paradigm

Jeannette M. Wing, Ph. D., May 1983
A Two-Tiered Approach to Specifying Programs

Mandayam K. Srivas, Ph. D., June 1982
Automatic Synthesis of Implementation for Abstract Data Types from Algebraic Specifications

Masters Students, 1995-1996

Eric J. Ding, M. Eng.
Using ADL for RegressionTest Development in a Distributed Object Environment

Brian Grossman, M. Eng.
An Algebraic Tutoring System

Angelika Leeb, SM
A Flexible Object Architecutre for Component Software

Sheryl Ott (Risacher), M. Eng.
Building an Intelligent Tutoring System for the T-37B Flight Manual

Sahana Sarma, M. Eng.
Using Knowledge-Based Program Transformation to Develop Radio Software

Masters Students, 1994-1995

Neeraj Gupta, SM
Analyzing Computer-Intensive Software Performance

Anna Pogosyants, SM
Incorporating Specialized Theories into a General Purpose Theorem Prover

Masters Students, 1993-1994

David Evans, SM
Using Specifications to Check Source Code

Ekrem Söylemez, SM
Automatic Verification of the Timing Properties of MMT Automata

Bachelor Students, 1990-1991

David S. Taylor, SB
A Beginner's Strategy Guide to the Larch Prover

Mary A. Vogt, SB
Extension of the Larch Prover by a Method of Inference Using Linear Arithmetic

Masters Students, 1987-1988

Daniel Jackson, SM
Composing Data and Process Descriptions in the Design of Software Systems

Masters Students, 1986-1987

David S. Hinman, SM
On the Design of Larch Interface Languages

Mark T. Vandevoorde, SM
Parallel Compilation on a Tightly-Coupled Multiprocessor

Katherine A. Wienhold, SM
Hybrid Task Allocation for a Multi-Processor System

Masters Students, 1985-1986

Katherine A. Yelick, SM, August 1985
A Generalized Approach to Equational Unification

Masters Students, 1984-1985

Randy Forgaard, SM, September 1984
A Program for Generating and Analyzing Term Rewriting Systems