RTA-96 last call for papers
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.]
This information is also avaliable under
http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/rta96/ .
Seventh International Conference on July 27-30, 1996
Rewriting Techniques and Applications Rutgers University, NJ, USA
The Seventh Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications solicits
papers in any of the following or related areas:
Term rewriting systems Symbolic and algebraic computation
Constrained rewriting and deduction Equational programming languages
String and graph rewriting Completion techniques
Rewrite-based theorem proving Unification and matching algorithms
Conditional and typed rewriting Constraint solving
Higher-order rewriting Architectures for rewriting
Parallel/distributed rewriting and deduction
Original papers on the topics listed above are solicited. In addition to full
research papers, descriptions of new working systems (4 proceedings pages)
and problem sets that provide realistic, interesting challenges in the field of
rewriting techniques are also welcome. Papers on new applications of rewriting
techniques are particularly encouraged.
Submissions must reach the program chair, at the address below, no later than
January 15, 1996.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by March 10, 1996.
Camera-ready copy (following special guidelines for Springer Lecture Notes)
will be due by April 30, 1996.
RTA96 Program Chair:
Harald Ganzinger, RTA96
Max Planck Institute telephone: +49 681 302-5360
for Computer Science fax: +49 681 302-5401
Im Stadtwald internet: rta96@mpi-sb.mpg.de
D-66123 Saarbruecken
RTA96 Program Committee:
J. Avenhaus (Kaiserslautern) H. Comon (Orsay) N. Dershowitz (Urbana)
H. Ganzinger (Saarbruecken) P. Lescanne (Nancy) U. Martin (St. Andrews)
A. Middeldorp (Tsukuba) P. Narendran (Albany) R. Nieuwenhuis (Barcelona)
T. Nipkow (Muenchen) F. Otto (Kassel) F. Pfenning (Pittsburg)
D. Plaisted (Chapel Hill) W. Snyder (Boston) H. Zhang (Iowa City)
Local Arrangements Chair:
Leo Bachmair
SUNY Stony Brook
RTA Organizing Committee:
Ronald Book (Santa Barbara) Jieh Hsiang (Taipei)
Claude Kirchner (Nancy, chair) Klaus Madlener (Kaiserslautern)
David Plaisted (Chapel Hill) Mitsuhiro Okada (Tokio)
Previous RTA meetings were held in Dijon (1985), Bordeaux (1987), Chapel
Hill (1989), Como (1991), Montreal (1993), Kaiserslautern (1995);
their proceedings were published by Springer-Verlag as part of their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
Paper Submission Guidelines:
Papers submitted to RTA96 must be unpublished and not submitted for
publication elsewhere. In particular, multiple submissions of the same or a
closely related paper to any of the other conferences participating in FLoC
are not permitted.
The title page of the submission should include the author's name, address,
and phone number, as well as electronic address and fax number, if available.
Late papers and papers that require major revision, including submissions that
are too long, will be rejected. Each submission should include 6 (six) copies
of a full draft paper of no more than 15 (fifteen) pages. Using Springer LNCS
style files is strongly recommended. Electronic submission in
Postscript form is encouraged. Proofs of theorems should be provided
in the paper, or, if space does not permit, should be made accessible
otherwise (e.g., as an appendix to the submission or via the Web).
The Federated Logic Conference:
RTA-96 is part of the
Federated Logic Conference (FLoC),
July 27 - August 3, 1996,
being hosted by the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science
(DIMACS), Rutgers University, as part of its Special Year on Logic and
Algorithms. In addition to RTA, FLoC includes the following related
- IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS),
- Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), and
- Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE).
LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of FLoC.
CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE workshops
running in parallel with the last day of LICS. Plenary
events involving all the conferences are scheduled. Information about FLoC
can be found in http://www.research.att.com/lics/FLoC/. Information about
the Special Year can be found in http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/.
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% with this document. It can be obtained as a gzipped
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Call for Papers}\\[1em]
{\em Seventh International Conference on \hfill July 27-30, 1996\\
Rewriting Techniques and Applications \hfill Rutgers University, NJ, USA\/}\\
This information is also avaliable under\\http://www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/rta96/ .
The Seventh Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications solicits
original papers
in any of the following or related areas:
Term rewriting systems & Symbolic and algebraic computation\\
Constrained rewriting and deduction & Equational programming languages\\
String and graph rewriting & Completion techniques\\
Rewrite-based theorem proving & Unification and matching algorithms\\
Conditional and typed rewriting & Constraint solving\\
Higher-order rewriting & Architectures for rewriting\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Parallel/distributed rewriting and deduction}
In addition to full
research papers, descriptions of new working systems (4 proceedings pages)
and problem sets that provide realistic, interesting challenges in the field of
rewriting techniques are also welcome. Papers on new applications of rewriting
techniques are particularly encouraged.
Submissions must reach the program chair, at the address below, no later than
{\bf January 15, 1996}.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made by March 10, 1996.
Camera-ready copy (following special guidelines for Springer Lecture Notes)
will be due by April 30, 1996.
\subsubsection*{RTA96 Program Chair:}
Harald Ganzinger, RTA96\\
Max Planck Institute & telephone: & +49 681 302-5360\\
for Computer Science & fax: & +49 681 302-5401\\
Im Stadtwald & internet: & rta96@mpi-sb.mpg.de\\
D-66123 Saarbr\"ucken \\
\subsubsection*{RTA96 Program Committee:}
J. Avenhaus (Kaiserslautern) & H. Comon (Orsay) & N. Dershowitz (Urbana)\\
H. Ganzinger (Saarbr\"ucken) & P. Lescanne (Nancy) & U. Martin (St. Andrews)\\
A. Middeldorp (Tsukuba) & P. Narendran (Albany) & R. Nieuwenhuis (Barcelona)\\
T. Nipkow (M\"unchen) & F. Otto (Kassel) & F. Pfenning (Pittsburgh) \\
D. Plaisted (Chapel Hill) & W. Snyder (Boston) & H. Zhang (Iowa City)
\subsubsection*{RTA Organizing Committee:}
Ronald Book (Santa Barbara) & Jieh Hsiang (Taipei)\\
Claude Kirchner (Nancy, chair)& Klaus Madlener (Kaiserslautern)\\
David Plaisted (Chapel Hill) & Mitsuhiro Okada (Tokio)
\subsubsection*{Local Arrangements Chair:}
Leo Bachmair\\
SUNY Stony Brook\\
\subsubsection*{Paper Submission Guidelines:}
Papers submitted to RTA96 must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
In particular, multiple submissions of the same or a closely related paper
to any of the other conferences participating in FLoC are not permitted.
The title page of the submission should include the author's name, address,
and phone number, as well as electronic address and fax number, if available.
Late papers and papers that require major revision, including submissions that are
too long, will be rejected. Each submission should include 6 (six) copies of a
full draft paper of no more than 15 (fifteen) pages. Using Springer LNCS
style files is strongly recommended. {\em
Electronic submission in Postscript form is encouraged.\/}
Proofs of theorems should be provided
in the paper, or, if space does not permit, should be made accessible
otherwise (e.g., as an appendix to the submission or via the Web).
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{\bf FLoC'96}
is part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC), July 27 - August 3, 1996,
being hosted by the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS),
Rutgers University, as part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms.
In addition to RTA, FLoC includes the following related conferences:
\item IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS),
\item Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), and
\item Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE).
LICS and RTA will be held in parallel during the first four days of FLoC.
CADE and CAV will be held during the last four days, with CADE workshops
running in parallel with the last day of LICS. Plenary
events involving all the conferences are scheduled. Information about FLoC
can be found in http://www.research.att.com/lics/FLoC/. Information about
the Special Year can be found in http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/.