The real numbers
Subject: The real numbers
From: leavens@cs.iastate.edu (Gary Leavens)
Date: 17 Nov 95 00:16:46 GMT
Keywords: reals, LSL, specification
Newsgroups: comp.specification.larch
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Summary: the real numbers specified as a real closed field
This message presents a fairly snappy specification of the real numbers
in LSL. Many thanks to Steve Garland for his ideas on how to specify
this, which I essentially only recorded here. I am responsible for
any errors, and would appreciate corrections. Also if you know any
implications that should be stated in the traits Real and RealClosedField,
please let me know, as I've had a hard time trying to think of any
(this being a bit far from my expretise!).
The traits (that are not in Guttag and Horning's handbook)
are structured as follows.
Polynomials RingSugars
| |
RealClosedField FieldSugars
\ /
The Polynomial trait is the subject of an earlier message.
All the other traits (not in the Guttag and Horning handbook)
appear below. The trait Real is the main one...
% @(#)$Id: Real.lsl,v 1.2 1995/09/22 05:24:41 leavens Exp leavens $
% The real numbers.
% Thanks to Steve Garland for pointing out how to do this,
% by noting that Tarski showed that the first-order theory of the
% reals is equivalent to the theory of real closed fields
% of characteristic zero.
Real: trait
includes RealClosedField, Natural(Nat for N),
MinMax(R), FieldSugars(R for T)
natToReal: Nat -> R
\forall n: Nat
natToReal(0) == 0;
natToReal(succ(n)) == natToReal(n) + 1;
Field(R for T), TotalOrder(R for T)
\forall q,r,x,y,z: R
(x < y) => (\E z (x < z /\ z < y));
converts natToReal
% @(#)$Id: RealClosedField.lsl,v 1.3 1995/09/22 22:38:43 leavens Exp leavens $
% Thanks to Steve Garland for guidance on how to specify this.
RealClosedField: trait
includes Field(R for T), TotalOrder(R for T),
zero_poly for 0: -> Poly[C],
unit_poly for 1: -> Poly[C])
\forall x,y,z: R, p: Poly[R]
(x < y) => (x + z) < (y + z);
(0 < x /\ 0 < y) => 0 < (x * y);
(0 < x) => (\E y (x = y * y));
(mod(degree(p), 2) = 1) => (\E y (evaluate(p, y) = 0));
% @(#)$Id: FieldSugars.lsl,v 1.1 1995/11/16 19:57:26 leavens Exp leavens $
FieldSugars: trait
assumes Field, TotalOrder
includes RingSugars
__ / __: T, T -> T
\forall x,y: T
x / y == x * (y\inv);
\forall x,y: T
y > 0 => (y * (1/y) = 1);
% @(#)$Id: RingSugars.lsl,v 1.1 1995/11/16 22:17:35 leavens Exp leavens $
RingSugars: trait
assumes Ring
__ - __: T, T -> T
\forall x,y: T
x - y == x + (- y);
% @(#)$Id: RealConversions.lsl,v 1.1 1995/11/16 23:25:49 leavens Exp leavens $
% Conversions from other numeric sorts to the reals.
RealConversions: trait
includes Real, Rational
intToReal: Int -> R
posToReal: P -> R
ratToReal: Q -> R
\forall i: Int, p: P, q: Q
(intToReal(0:Int)) == 0;
intToReal(succ(i)) == intToReal(i) + 1;
intToReal(pred(i)) == intToReal(i) - 1;
posToReal(p) == intToReal(int(p));
ratToReal(i/p) == intToReal(i) / posToReal(p);
\forall i, i1, i2: Int, p: P, q, q1, q2: Q
posToReal(0:P) == 0;
posToReal(succ(p)) == posToReal(p) + 1;
ratToReal(i/1) == intToReal(i);
ratToReal(i/p) == intToReal(i) * (posToReal(p)\inv);
(i1 <= i2) => intToReal(i1) <= intToReal(i2);
posToReal(p) > 0;
(q1 <= q2) => ratToReal(q1) <= ratToReal(q2);
converts intToReal, posToReal, ratToReal
Comments and corrections are welcome.
I have also revised the mathematical sequence stuff;
if anyone is interested I can send you that or make it available also.
229 Atanasoff Hall, Department of Computer Science
Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa 50011-1040 USA / leavens@cs.iastate.edu
phone: (515)294-1580 fax: (515)294-0258 ftp site: ftp.cs.iastate.edu
URL: http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/homepage.html