FWD: Dagstuhl specification competition, reactive control systems
To: larch-interest
Subject: FWD: Dagstuhl specification competition, reactive control systems
From: horning
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 95 18:52:28 -0700
Delivery-Date: Thu, 03 Aug 95 19:02:36 -0700
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From: mf@informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de (Martin Fraenzle)
Date: 3 Aug 1995 09:41:39 +0200
Subject: Case study on specification and design of reactive control systems
Newsgroups: comp.specification.misc
A number of case studies have been proposed for testing semantic
methods in computer science with respect to their versatility and
applicability to embedded control system design. Some of these case
studies have been treated in a number of different formalisms, giving
opportunity for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the
individual methods.
Based on the insight that thorough comparison between the various
design formalisms proposed in the literature as well as some amount of
unification would be crucial both to industrial takeover and to
scientific progress in the field, an international seminar on "Methods
for Semantics and Specification" was held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern,
Germany, on June 5-9, 1995. The seminar took the form of a
"competition" between different researchers who had been invited as
representatives of their particular methods. The competition was on
the steam boiler control specification problem of J.-R. Abrial,
E. Boerger, and H. Langmaack, which has been posed to the participants
as a common case study. This specification problem has been derived
from an original text that has been written by LtCol. J.C. Bauer for
the Institute for Risk Research of the University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada. The original text has been submitted as a competition
problem to be solved by the participants of the International Software
Safety Symposium organized by the Institute for Risk Research.
The organizers of the Dagstuhl seminar "Methods for Semantics and
Specification" would very much like to invite further researchers to
the competition. It is planned to publish a book surveying all
solutions to the steam boiler control specification problem that are
received until end of September.
For anybody being interested in the results of the steam boiler
control specification case study or willing to participate in the
"competition", a WWW page on the case study has been set up. It is
accessible under URL
-- Martin Fraenzle
| Martin Fr"anzle | Institut f"ur Informatik |
| mf@informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de | Universit"at Kiel |
| Tel.: ++49-431-560422 | Germany |
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