[Bernd.Kraemer@FernUni-Hagen.de: CFP High Integrity Systems Engineering]
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Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 11:09:21 +0200
From: Bernd.Kraemer@FernUni-Hagen.de (Bernd Kraemer)
To: Michael.Hinchey@cl.cam.ac.uk, bowen@comlab.ox.ac.uk, dan@red.ora.on.ca,
Mike.Gordon@cl.cam.ac.uk, cliff@cs.man.ac.uk, wing@cs.cmu.edu
Subject: CFP High Integrity Systems Engineering
Dear colleague
please note the following call for papers and forward it
to other interested parties.
Bernd Kraemer
ISEW'96 Workshop on
25 March 1996
Technische Universitaet Berlin
In connection with
International Software Engineering Week '96
18th International Conference on Software Engineering
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Software is increasingly being used in safety-critical applications
where failure could cause loss of human life, personal injury, or significant
material damage. These applications are characterized by a
sensible interplay of heterogeneous technologies (software and various
kinds of hardware), high requirements on the dependability and correctness
of the embedded software, and -- depending on national regulations --
the need to undergo elaborate certification procedures. Examples of
high integrity applications occur in process control (e.g., in chemical
industry or nuclear power generation), traffic control, or in medical systems.
Although high integrity systems involve significant software content, a
growing group of researchers and developers in academia and industry
has departed from the software engineering community and joined with
collaborators from other disciplines such as electrical and mechanical
engineering or physics to attack the specific challenges of high integrity
applications. It is a purpose of this workshop to reconcile software engineering
and high integrity systems engineering and provide a forum to discuss specific
needs of high integrity systems, present substantial case studies, identify
advances in related software engineering fields and assess
contributing processes, methods, and tools.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
* Software Safety and Fault Tolerance Strategies
* Real-Time Requirements
* High integrity software in Process Control and Automation
* Formal Specification and Verification of Safety Requirements
* High Integrity Compilers and Runtime Environments
* Safety-oriented Specification, Design and Programming Languages
* Software Certification Techniques, Needs, and Experiences
* Software-Safety Standards
* Safety-oriented Hardware/Software Codesign
* Case Studies
Manuscripts should be 8-10 pages in length in Latex or comparable format
(11pt). Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor
currently submitted for publication. Each manuscript will be put
through a rigorous refereeing process. Manuscripts paper should have a
title page that includes the title of the paper, name(s) of its author(s),
affiliation(s), complete physical and electronic address(es), and telephone
number(s). Submission can be made in electronic form (Ascii text, Postscript,
The contact person must receive 6 copies of your submission by
1 October 1995. Authors will be notified by 15 December 1995;
final versions are due by 15 January 1996.
Bernd Kraemer
D-58084 Hagen
email: bernd.kraemer@fernuni-hagen.de
phone: +49 2331 987 371
Fax: +49 2331 987 375
Alfs Berztiss
John McDermid
Friedrich von Henke
David Parnas
V. Stavridou
- -----------------------------------------------
+---------+ +---------+
| | International 18th International | |
| I S E W | Software Conference | I C S E |
| | Engineering on Software | |
| 9 6 | Week '96 Engineering | 1 8 |
| | | |
+---------+ +---------+
22--30 March 1996 25--29 March 1996
Technische Universitaet Berlin Technische Universitaet Berlin
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The International Software Engineering Week '96 (ISEW'96) in Berlin,
Germany, is designed to showcase the latest international trends and
developments in software engineering practice, research and education.
The objectives are to provide a forum to present new software
engineering research results, to exchange experience reports regarding
the use of software engineering technologies in industry, to expose
practitioners to promising new technologies, to expose researchers to
the problems of industrial software development, and to encourage the
transfer of advanced software engineering technologies from research
into practice.
ISEW'96 is the premier international software engineering meeting in
1996 combining the 18th International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE 18) and numerous in-depth software engineering
workshops. This meeting is a must for each software engineering
practitioner, researcher, and educator in order to keep abreast of
international trends and developments.
ISEW'96 will feature the following:
+ Multiple tracks of reviewed research papers.
+ Multiple tracks of industrial experience reports.
+ Invited presentations by internationally renowned experts from
academia and industry critically reviewing past developments in
research and industrial practice.
+ Panels on controversial software engineering issues.
+ Tutorials on issues of importance to practitioners, researchers and
+ Exhibitions of innovative software engineering tools.
+ Trips to CeBIT in Hannover, the world's largest computer trade fair.
+ In-depth workshops addressing topics ranging from multimedia to
configuration management and Cleanroom software engineering; each
has its own organizing committee.