FWD: CFP: Methods Integration Workshop
To: larch-interest, comp.specification.larch.usenet
Subject: FWD: CFP: Methods Integration Workshop
From: horning
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 95 10:35:13 -0700
Cc: L.Semmens@lmu.ac.uk
Delivery-Date: Fri, 23 Jun 95 10:39:58 -0700
I hope that by now you are all reading comp.specification.misc as well as
comp.specification.larch. I will not, in general, forward
comp.specification.misc postings, since that would be contrary to the
spirit of the comp.specification.{misc,z,larch} split. However, this
message was apparently posted only to the obsolete newsgroup
comp.specification, so I thought it worth forwarding.
Jim H.
------- Forwarded Message
From: L.Semmens@lmu.ac.uk (Lesley Semmens)
Date: 23 Jun 1995 14:05:33 +0200
Subject: Call For Papers - Methods Integration Workshop
Newsgroups: comp.specification
There follows a call for papers for a Methods Integration Workshop to be
held in Leeds, UK in March 1996. There will soon be a WWW page relating
to the workshop and an announcement regarding its location will be put out on
this list.
Lesley Semmens
Call for Papers
Methods Integration Workshop
Leeds, March 25-26 1996
Supported by BCS FACS
Methods Integration Workshop
The Methods Integration Workshop will be held at Leeds Metropolitan University
on 25 and 26 March 1996. The aims of the Workshop are to promote the interests
of researchers and users of software development methods which combine the use
of formal methods with other heuristic or semiformal methods (including
structured and object-oriented methods), to evaluate integrated methods in the
light of current research and practice, and discuss future research directions
and priorities. The Workshop will include both technical presentations and
working groups with active participation.
Three types of contributions are invited:
1. Research papers (up to 20 pages in length) describing new theoretical
2. Industrial experience reports. These may be much shorter, and need not
give so much technical detail.
3. Posters (four A4 sheets) outlining work in progress.
Proposals for tool demonstrations are also welcome.
Contributions are invited in the following areas (but this list is not
-- Different approaches to integration.
-- Process models.
-- Object orientation. Integrating formal methods with object-oriented
analysis and design methods.
-- Using integrated methods for verification and validation.
-- Tool support for integrated use of formal and structured methods.
-- Industrial experience/case studies.
-- Using integrated methods in education and training.
Intention to submit: 31 July 1995
Deadline for submission: 29 Sep 1995
Authors notified: 8 Dec 1995
Camera-ready copy: 26 Jan 1996
Three copies of full, original papers should be sent to the Programme Chair.
Proposals for tool demonstrations should be sent to one of the Organising
Chairs, stating hardware and software requirements.
Programme Chair
Tony Bryant, Leeds Metropolitan University, Faculty of Information and
Engineering Systems, The Grange, Beckett Park, Leeds, LS6 3QS, England, Tel:
+44 113 283 2600 ext 3680, Fax: +44 113 283 3182, Email: a.bryant@lmu.ac.uk
Organising Chairs
Pat Allen, University of Huddersfield, School of Computing and Maths,
Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH, England, Tel: +44 1484 472927, Fax: +44 1484
421106, Email p.m.allen@hud.ac.uk
Lesley Semmens, Leeds Metropolitan University, Faculty of Information
and Engineering Systems, Beckett Park, Leeds, LS6 3QS, England, Tel: +44 113 283 2600 ext 3680, Fax: +44 113 283 3182, Email: l.semmens@lmu.ac.uk
Programme Committee
Pat Allen, University of Huddersfield
Jonathan Bowen, Oxford University
Tony Bryant, Leeds Metropolitan University
John Cooke, Loughborough University of Technology
Tom Docker, CITI
Clive Fencott, University of Teeside
Robert France, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Vivian Hamilton, Rolls Royce & Associates
Jonathan Hammond, Praxis
Mike Hinchey, NJ Institute of Technology, USA
Kevin Lano, Imperial College
Lee McCluskey, University of Huddersfield
Rajko Milovanovic, BT Research Laboratories
David Redmond-Pyle, LBMS
Lesley Semmens, Leeds Metropolitan University
T.H.Tse, The University Of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Intention to submit
It would be helpful if all intending contributors could notify the Programme
Chair, either by email or by filling in and sending the form below, by 31
July 1995.
I intend to submit a contribution to the Methods Integration Workshop, Leeds,
March 1996
Tel: Fax: Email:
Working title:
Type of contribution: Research paper/Industrial Experience Report/Poster*
*Delete as appropriate
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