plagiarism update
Subject: plagiarism update
From: wing+@cs.cmu.edu (Jeannette Wing)
Date: 14 Jun 1995 14:15:33 GMT
Newsgroups: comp.specification.larch
Organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, School of Computer Science
Being twice a victim, I've been following this case with interest.
Here are two of the latest developments:
1. The suspect (a graduate student at a university in Greece) applied
for a job at a school in the UK claiming to be finishing his Ph.D. at
Oxford University under Professor Tony Hoare. The relevant people
were alerted before further action was taken.
2. ACM will be sending a letter to the suspect asking him to stop.
ACM will also be publishing in ACM MemberNet a sanitized note (not
naming names for legal reasons) warning the community of this case.
(IEEE was also informed but I don't know if it's taking any action.)
Jeannette Wing