RESULT: comp.specification.{larch,misc} all groups pass
To: larch-interest
Subject: RESULT: comp.specification.{larch,misc} all groups pass
From: horning
Date: Wed, 24 May 95 09:56:34 -0700
Delivery-Date: Wed, 24 May 95 10:01:15 -0700
------- Forwarded Message
From: warren@syra.net (Warren Lavallee)
Date: 23 May 1995 16:11:37 -0400
Subject: RESULT: comp.specification.{larch,misc} all groups pass
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,comp.specification,comp.specification.z
Sender: tale@uunet.uu.net
Message-ID: <comp.specification-groups-RESULT@uunet.uu.net>
unmoderated group comp.specification.larch passes 165:14
unmoderated group comp.specification.misc passes 149:38
Yes No : 2/3? >100? : Pass? : Group
---- ---- : ---- ----- : ----- : -------------------------------------------
165 14 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.specification.larch
149 38 : Yes Yes : Yes : comp.specification.misc (replaces comp.specification)
comp.specification.larch passed on Fri May 12 04:58:12 1995
comp.specification.misc (replaces comp.specification) passed on Thu May 18 15:17:14 1995
Newsgroups line:
comp.specification.larch Larch family of formal specification languages.
comp.specification.misc Formal specification methods in general.
This vote was being conducted by a neutral third party. For voting
questions only contact Warren Lavallee <warren@Syra.NET>. For questions
about the proposed group contact Gary Feldman <gaf@cam.ov.com>.
The comp.specification.larch newsgroup will be open to discusison on all
aspects of Larch. This includes, but isn't necessarily limited to,
technical discussions, discussions of practical application, stylistic
issues, discussions of the mathematics underlying Larch, discussion
of any and all Larch Interface Languages, announcements of publications,
trait libraries, and software, discussions of particular Larch tools
(including bug reports that may be of interest to the general Larch
community, but not as a substitute for reporting uninteresting bugs to
the maintainer), etc.
The charter for the renamed comp.specification.misc will be unchanged
from the existing charter for comp.specification, i.e. general
discussion of formal specification methods, including discussion of
specific methodologies that do not have their own newsgroup.
[This collection of addresses is (C)1995 by Consultix Computer Services.
Permission is strictly NOT given to use this list or any part thereof to
make a mailing list, or for mass-mailings. Any other use is fine.]
comp.specification-groups Final Vote Ack
comp.specification.misc (replaces comp.specification) ----+
comp.specification.larch ---+|
A.M.Gravell@ecs.soton.ac.uk Andy Gravell YY
ab@mimuw.edu.pl Adam Balaban YY
aceler@bnr.ca Alicja Celer YY
aleks@spoda.gentoo.com Brian Witt YY
alex@ece.uc.edu Perry Alexander YY
almstrum@cs.utexas.edu Vicki L. Almstrum YY
amichel@gyptis.univ-mrs.fr Michel ALLEMAND YY
Amy_Moormann_Zaremski@VARICOSE.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU Amy Moormann Zaremski YY
andrews@rmcece.rmc.ca J. David Andrews YN
archer@frmug.fr.net Vincent Archer NN
Arne.Kristian.Groven@hrp.no Arne-Kristian Groven YY
arromdee@blaze.cs.jhu.edu Ken Arromdee -N
artreyes@rennes.ICS.UCI.EDU Arthur A. Reyes YY
ata@cs.adelaide.edu.au Atanas Nikolaev Parashkevov YY
avenhaus@informatik.uni-kl.de Juergen Avenhaus YY
bb@informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de Bettina Buth YY
bell@aussie.enet.dec.com Peter Bell YY
bjv@herbison.com B.J. Herbison -Y
bkb@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE Bernd Krieg-Brueckner -Y
black@cse.ogi.edu Andrew P. Black YY
bmm@inf.rl.ac.uk Brian Matthews YY
Boutheina.Chetali@loria.fr CHETALI Boutheina YY
Brian.Randell@newcastle.ac.uk Brian Randell YY
brianb@wv.MENTORG.COM Brian Bailey YY
brookes@cs.uq.oz.au Wayne Brookes YY
broult@calvin.info.unicaen.fr Christophe Broult YY
bsh@id.dtu.dk Bo Stig Hansen YN
buck@Siswat.Hou.TX.US A. Lester Buck YY
by177@cleveland.Freenet.Edu D. L. Mosher -N
calvert@cc.gatech.edu Ken Calvert YY
carle@telematik.informatik.uni-karlsruhe.de Georg Carle YY
casey@sybase.com Casey Koulman YY
cattel@di.epfl.ch Thierry CATTEL YY
cflatter@aoc.nrao.edu Chris Flatters YY
chalin@cs.concordia.ca Patrice Chalin YY
chengb@cps.msu.edu Betty H.C. Cheng YY
cheon@heeya.seri.re.kr Yoonsik Cheon YN
chizzoni@ghost.dsi.unimi.it Alfredo Chizzoni YY
cianca@cs.unibo.it Paolo Ciancarini YY
Claus.Hintermeier@loria.fr Claus Hintermeier YY
clstampe@mailbox.syr.edu Chris Stamper Y-
crouchkp@flidh101.delcoelect.com K. Crouch --
cwg@iist.unu.edu Chris George YY
dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca David Alex Lamb YY
davidg@oracorp.com David Guaspari YY
dc@panix.com If you do not give a real name your vote may be NN
dhara@cs.iastate.edu Krishna K. Dhara YY
dick@blaze.csci.csusb.edu Richard John Botting YN
dwilliam@thor.ece.uc.edu Douglas Lloyd Williams YY
edavid@lami.univ-evry.fr Erwan David YY
eggert@twinsun.com Paul Eggert YY
engel@cs.tu-berlin.de Christian Engel YY
Eoin@copse.demon.co.uk Eoin Woods YN
esterlin@ncat.edu Albert C. Esterline YY
evs@sds.lcs.mit.edu David Evans YY
ewl@panix.com Emery Lapinski NY
Frederic.Voisin@lri.fr Frederic Voisin YY
fuy1@gl.umbc.edu Francis Uy -Y
gaf@cam.ov.com Gary Feldman YY
gannon@cs.UMD.EDU John Gannon YY
Gareth.Rees@cl.cam.ac.uk Gareth Rees Y-
garland@fire.lcs.mit.edu Stephen J. Garland YY
godfrey2@coventry.ac.uk Bill Godfrey YN
goldschl@itd.nrl.navy.mil David Goldschlag YY
griffioe@cwi.nl W.O.D. Griffioen YY
gtl1@mcs.le.ac.uk Gilbert Laycock YY
guttag@larch.lcs.mit.edu John Guttag YY
guttman@linus.mitre.org Joshua D. Guttman YY
h-ishika@jaist.ac.jp Hiroshi Ishikawa YY
hall@cs.byu.edu Kelly Hall YY
hancock@movies.enet.dec.com Peter Hancock YY
harter@suneta.zko.dec.com Paul K. Harter, Jr. YY
hehner@cs.toronto.edu E.C.R. Hehner YY
heydon@pa.dec.com Allan Heydon YY
horning@pa.dec.com Jim Horning YY
hossein@csalpha.unomaha.edu Hossein Saiedian YY
hschadha@eos.ncsu.edu Harpreet S. Chadha YY
Hubert.Garavel@imag.fr Hubert Garavel -N
jacob@latcs1.lat.oz.au Jacob L. Cybulski YY
jampel@cs.city.ac.uk Michael Jampel YY
jcohen@DRI.cornell.edu Jeffrey David Cohen YN
jimj@eecs.umich.edu Jim Jewett -Y
jlc@veda.co.uk John.Colley YY
jluc@gyptis.univ-mrs.fr Jean-Luc PAILLET YY
jm@hp-vcd.vcd.hp.com John Matthews YY
jon@violin1.radonc.washington.edu Jonathan Jacky YY
jonboy@io.org Trevor Tymchuk YN
jpenix@ece.uc.edu John Penix YY
jrm@globalvillag.com John R. MacWilliamson NN
jsp@csd.cri.dk Jan Storbank Pedersen YY
jst@id.dtu.dk Jorgen Staunstrup, DTU, Denmark YY
katz@csa.cs.Technion.AC.IL Shmuel Katz YY
kdj@rambus.com Kevin D. Jones YY
kerrinp@byron.apana.org.au Kerrin Pine YY
khb@informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de Karl-Heinz Buth YY
kimketo@utu.fi Kimmo Ketolainen +358 40 500 2957 YY
Krzysztof_Stencel@UQAH.UQuebec.CA Krzysztof Stencel YY
ks@cs.tut.fi Kari Systd -N
kuroda@cs.cmu.edu Kiyotaka Kuroda YY
leavens@cs.iastate.edu Gary T. Leavens YY
leonard@ricks.enet.dec.com Tim Leonard YY
limcy@singnet.com.sg Lim Chee Yong YY
london@cs.pdx.edu Ralph L. London YY
maa@graceland.ih.att.com Mark A. Ardis YY
madey@mimuw.edu.pl Jan Madey YY
makofka@ix.netcom.com doug makofka YY
marc@algorithmics.com Marc Moorcroft NN
marcinek@mimuw.edu.pl Marcin Kubica YY
martins@tcomhp20.epfl.ch Martins Juan YY
Mary_Shaw@cs.cmu.edu Mary Shaw YY
mbarnett@cs.uidaho.edu Michael Barnett YY
medwards@lick.ucolick.org Michael K. Edwards YY
mengel@mimuw.edu.pl Marcin Engel YY
mfx@cs.tu-berlin.de Markus Freericks YY
Michael.Hinchey@cl.cam.ac.uk Mike Hinchey YN
Michael.Norrish@cl.cam.ac.uk Michael Norrish YY
Michal_Iglewski@UQAH.UQuebec.CA Michal Iglewski YY
Michel.Bidoit@ens.fr Michel BIDOIT YY
Michel.Lemoine@cert.fr Michel LEMOINE YY
mmt@RedBrick.COM M Mike Taksar --
moreaux@di.epfl.ch Michel Moreaux YY
moss@bastille.cchem.berkeley.edu David NY
mtv@godiva.lcs.mit.edu Mark Vandevoorde YY
NCC00310@niftyserve.or.jp Shinichi OMURA YY
nick@inferno.fc.hp.com Nick Ingegneri NN
nickc@dcs.st-and.ac.uk Nick Cropper YY
orc@pell.com david parsons YN
Othmene.Ait-Mohamed@loria.fr Otmane AIT-MOHAMED YY
otto@vaxb.acs.unt.edu M. `up to spec' Otto --
P.Boury@frcl.bull.fr pierre boury Y-
paige@cs.toronto.edu Richard Paige YY
patl@lcs.mit.edu Patrick J. LoPresti NN
Paul_Grabow@BAYLOR.EDU Paul Grabow YY
pbaraona@uceng.uc.edu Phillip Baraona YY
pdecker@lds.loral.com Philip Decker YY
pfeifer@ares.informatik.uni-ulm.de Holger Pfeifer YN
pfs@mimuw.edu.pl Piotr Filip Sawicki YN
philip@cs.mu.OZ.AU Philip Dart YY
Pierre.Lescanne@loria.fr Pierre Lescanne YY
pkrysiuk@mimuw.edu.pl Piotr Krysiuk YY
pmb@csd.cri.dk Peter Michael Bruun YY
po@login.dknet.dk Peter A. Olsen YY
poetzsch@informatik.tu-muenchen.de Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter YY
protops@cs.concordia.ca PROTOPSALTOU ANTONIOS YY
pshuang@MIT.EDU Ping Huang YY
ptbast@owl.WPI.EDU Pete Bastien YN
pyoung@srd.bt.co.uk Pete Young YY
pys@info.fundp.ac.be Pierre-Yves Schobbens YY
radrayer@panix.com Rebecca Drayer NN
ramesh@cs.concordia.ca RAMESH ACHUTHAN YY
Ranan.Fraer@sophia.inria.fr Ranan Fraer YY
rdavis@sunset.scu.edu Ruth E. Davis YY
rew@CrystalData.COM Ryan Waldron NN
richford@osf.org Richard L. Ford YY
rick@aai.com Rick Lerner YY
rick@bcm.tmc.edu Richard Miller YY
robsmith@u.washington.edu Robert P. Smith -N
rustan@pa.dec.com K.R.M. Leino YY
sal@dcs.st-and.ac.uk Stephen Linton YY
sartin@pencom.com Rob Sartin YY
schmitz@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de Christoph Schmitz NN
schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de Joachim Schrod YY
schweizer@tik.ethz.ch Daniel Schweizer YY
scott_ankrum@VNET.IBM.COM T. Scott Ankrum -N
sean@mpi-sb.mpg.de Sean Matthews Y-
sgubbi@cs.unibo.it Sgubbi Patrizia YY
shb@dcs.st-and.ac.uk Simon Brock YY
sigurd@ii.uib.no Sigurd Meldal NN
simon@security.ucc.ie Simon Foley YY
sivapras@cs.iastate.edu Gowri Sankar Sivaprasad YY
sjsmith@cs.UMD.EDU Stephen Joseph Smith --
smk@dcs.ed.ac.uk Stefan Kahrs YN
somebody@cadlab.de Christel Oczko, co@cadlab.de YY
sp@csd.cri.dk Soren Prehn YY
stainles@bga.com Dwight Brown NN
steve@gridlock.demon.co.uk Steve Tracey YY
stoodt@cis.umassd.edu Michael A. Stoodt -N
sturm@coe.wvu.edu David W. Sturm YY
T.B.Dinesh@cwi.nl T. B. Dinesh YN
tgm@netcom.com Thomas G. McWilliams YY
thp@csd.cri.dk Thomas Puls YY
ue@cci.dk Urban Engberg YY
um@dcs.st-and.ac.uk Ursula Martin YY
warford@pepperdine.edu Stan Warford YY
widenius@cc.helsinki.fi Risto Widenius NN
wile@ISI.EDU David Wile YN
wilma@deis65.cineca.it Wilma Penzo YY
wing@cs.cmu.edu Jeannette M. Wing YY
wood@sctc.com William T. Wood YY
wth0019@decster.uta.edu Billy Harris -N
yang@dstc.edu.au Zhonghua YANG YY
yelick@cs.Berkeley.EDU Kathy Yelick YY
ymtan@iti.gov.sg Yang Meng Tan YN
young@cs.purdue.edu Michal Young YY
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