FWD: CFP: 4th Intl. Conference on Software Reuse
To: larch-interest
Subject: FWD: CFP: 4th Intl. Conference on Software Reuse
From: horning
Date: Fri, 05 May 95 10:17:59 -0700
Delivery-Date: Fri, 05 May 95 10:20:36 -0700
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From: edwards@fettuccine.cis.ohio-state.edu (stephen edwards)
Date: 04 May 1995 15:06:29 GMT
Subject: CFP: 4th Intl. Conference on Software Reuse
Newsgroups: comp.software-eng,comp.lang.ada,comp.object,comp.sw.components,comp.org.ieee
| Fourth International Conference on Software Reuse |
| Call for Papers |
| |
| Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society |
| With cooperation (pending) from the ACM |
| April 23-26, 1996 Orlando, Florida, USA |
This is the first time this premier international conference on
software reuse is being held in the United States. The conference
will bring together researchers and practitioners to make reuse
``business as usual'' in software development and management. It will
address key technical and non-technical issues in software reuse. A
major goal of the conference is to facilitate cross-fertilization
between the reuse community and the formal methods, object-oriented,
software architecture, and software engineering communities.
--------------------------------- ------------------------------
Featured Keynote Speakers: Important Dates:
--------------------------------- ------------------------------
Barry Boehm Submissions: Sept. 4, 1995
Univ. of Southern California, USA Acceptance: Nov. 20, 1995
Camera-Ready Due: Jan. 1, 1996
Joseph Goguen ------------------------------
Univ. of Oxford, UK
Bjarne Stroustrup
AT&T Bell Labs, USA
For papers, tutorials, and panel proposals, the topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
* Case studies and experiments * Object-oriented issues
* Domain analysis and engineering * Organizational planning and motivation
* Disciplines for component design * Patterns for software design
and composition * Process-related aspects of reuse
* Formal methods * Re-engineering and reverse engineering
* Frameworks and models for reuse * Reuse education and training
* Generators and transformers * Reuse libraries
* Integration frameworks * Reuse of software engineering artifacts
* Language design issues * Software architecture
* Legal and managerial issues * Technology transfer
* Metrics
Instructions to Authors:
Deadlines are listed above under ``Important Dates.'' Papers
should be original and not under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Authors should clearly explain the contribution of the
work in terms of its theoretical and/or practical value and relate
it to previous work. Submissions must be full papers no longer
than 5000 words (excluding references). Each submission must
include an abstract and a list of key words. Identifying
information must be on a separate page, if the authors request an
anonymous review. Panel proposals should include a short
statement, the name of the moderator and a list of panelists. For
each panelist, it must be stated whether prior consent has been
obtained. All submissions must be in English. Accepted papers
and panel positions will appear in the conference proceedings
published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
The conference will also host demonstrations of software reuse
technology. Commercial products and research prototypes are
welcome. For tutorial proposal instructions or other information,
visit our Web site at the following URL:
For completed papers or panel proposals, send six hard copies to:
Program Chair:
Prof. Murali Sitaraman
Statistics and Comp. Science
West Virginia University
106 Knapp Hall, PO Box 6330
Morgantown, WV 26506--6330
Phone: (304) 293--3607
Fax: (304) 293--2272
e-mail: icsr4@cs.wvu.edu
Tutorial proposals should be | For reuse technology demonstra-
no more than 3 pages. Send | tions, please contact the
six hard copies to: | exhibits chair by the submission
| deadline:
Tutorial Chair: | Exhibits Chair:
Dr. Jeffrey S. Poulin | Dr. Ronnie Thomson
Loral Federal Systems--Owego | Cadre Technologies
MD 0210 | 222 Richmond Street
Owego, NY 13827 | Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (607) 751--6899 | Phone: (401) 351--5950,
Fax: (607) 751--6025 | ext. 344
e-mail: poulinj@lfs.loral.com | e-mail: rthom@cadre.com
Conference Committee:
Conference Chairs:
Will Tracz (Loral Federal Systems -- Owego, USA)
Charles W. Lillie (Sci. Applications Int. Corp., USA)
Program Chair:
Murali Sitaraman (West Virginia University, USA)
Asian Chair:
Masao Matsumoto (NEC Corporation, Japan)
European Chair:
John Favaro (Intecs Sistemi, Italy)
South American Chair:
Julio Leite (Catholic University, Brazil)
Tutorials Chair:
Jeffrey Poulin (Loral Federal Systems -- Owego, USA)
Corporate Support Chair:
Voytek Kozaczynski (Anderson Consulting, USA)
Exhibitions/Demos Chair:
Ronnie Thomson (Cadre Technologies, Inc., USA)
Local Arrangements Chair:
Will Tracz (Loral Federal Systems -- Owego, USA)
Finance Chair:
Ernesto Guerrieri (Digital Equipment Corp., USA)
Proceedings Chair:
Larry Latour (University of Maine, USA)
Publicity Chairs:
Stephen Edwards (The Ohio State University, USA)
Frances Paulisch (Siemens AG, Germany)
Registrations Chair:
Steven Fraser (Bell Northern, Canada)
Program Committee:
Advisory Sub-Committee:|
D. Batory (USA) | R. Duke (Australia) H-J. Kugler (Spain)
T. Biggerstaff (USA) | D. Eichmann (USA) F. Kumeno (Japan)
P. Devanbu (USA) | D. Garlan (USA) D. Lea (USA)
W. Frakes (USA) | H. Gomaa (USA) G. Leavens (USA)
R. Prieto-Diaz (USA) | M. Griss (USA) C. Lucena (Brazil)
-----------------------/ J. Horning (USA) A. von Mayrhauser (USA)
S. Isoda (Japan) W. McKeeman (USA)
B. Anderson (UK) K. Itoh (Japan) M. de Michele (Italy)
J. Arthur (USA) D. Jackson (USA) D. Poo (Singapore)
D. Barstow (USA) I. Jacobson (Sweden) W. Scacchi (USA)
I. Baxter (USA) M. Jazayeri (Austria) W. Scherlis (USA)
B. Cheng (USA) K. Kang (Korea) B. Weide (USA)
R. Crespo (Portugal) J. Kramer (UK) M. Wirsing (Germany)
Stephen Edwards OSU/CIS, 395 Dreese Lab
e-mail : edwards@cis.ohio-state.edu U.S. mail: 2015 Neil Avenue
office phone: (614)-292-5841 Columbus, OH 43210-1277
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