To: larch-interest
From: Mark Paulk <mcp@SEI.CMU.EDU>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 95 10:46:29 -0800
Delivery-Date: Fri, 17 Mar 95 10:49:18 -0800
Sender: horning
[Multiple forwards deleted.]
Subject: of interest to SPINs...
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 95 17:42:37 EST
From: Mark Paulk <mcp@SEI.CMU.EDU>
As you can see from the attached call for papers, I have agreed to act as
coordinator for a minitrack on software process improvement at the 1996 Hawaii
International Conference on Systems Science, which will be held 3-6 Jan 1996.
Please pass this CFP along to your colleagues who are involved with software
process improvement.
Mark Paulk
Additional Minitracks
for the
Software Technology Track
of the
29th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-29
Maui, Hawaii - January 3-6, 1996
Call For Papers and Referees
In addition to the eight minitracks in High Performance Distributed Systems,
the Software Technology Track of HICSS-29 is introducing two additional
minitracks in other areas of software technology. The two new minitracks
will focus on: 1) industrial applications of formal methods in software
development, and 2) software process improvement. The Call for Papers and
Referees for the original eight minitracks can be obtained via anonymous ftp
from csftp.unomaha.edu in the directory pub/hicss/hicss-29/Software-Track.
This Additional Call for Papers and Referees can also be found in the
same directory. Any newly announced minitacks will appear in this file on
an ongoig basis.
We invite papers that may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial, or descriptive
in nature. Those papers selected for presentation will appear in the Conference
Proceedings. HICSS-29 is sponsored by the University of Hawaii.
The Conference Proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer Society. A
collection of the accepted papers will be considered for inclusion in a
separately bound volume to be determined (publisher and exact dates of
publication) at a later time.
Software is vital to our modern society, and improving the processes for
developing and maintaining software has become a critical business advantage
for software suppliers. The focus of this minitrack is experience reports on
quantified improvements in productivity, quality, time to market, and customer
satisfaction resulting from software process improvement. We are seeking case
studies on what works and doesn't work for different application domains, life
cycles, government contractors, commercial software vendors, etc. Other
topics that will be emphasized are the models, approaches, and tools that
support software process improvement, e.g., SEI's CMM, Bootstrap, ISO 9001,
Minitrack Coordinator
Mark Paulk
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
4500 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
e-mail: mcp@sei.cmu.edu
Voice: +1 (412) 268-5794
Fax: +1 (412) 268-5758
1995 Deadlines
o A 300-word abstract by April 15
o Feedback to author on abstract by May 1
o Eight copies of the manuscript by June 1
o Notification of accepted papers by August 31
o Camera-ready copies of accepted manuscripts are due by October 2
Instructions for Submitting Papers
Manuscripts should be 22-25 typewritten, double-spaced pages in length.
Papers must not have been previously presented or published, nor currently
submitted for journal publication. Each manuscript will be subjected to a
rigorous refereeing process involving at least five reviewers. Manuscripts
should have a title page that includes the title of the paper, full name(s)
of author(s), affiliation(s), complete postal and electronic mail address(es),
telephone and FAX numbers, and a 300-word abstract of the paper.
Software Technology Track Co-Chairs
Hesham El-Rewini Bruce Shriver
Department of Computer Science HICSS-29 Co-Chairman
University of Nebraska at Omaha 17 Bethea Drive
Omaha, NE 68182 Ossining, NY 10562-1620
Phone: (402) 554-2852 Phone: (914) 762-3251
Fax: (402) 554-2975 Fax: (914) 941-9181
Email: rewini@cs.unomaha.edu Email: shriver@genesis2.com
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