Larch archive index
To: larch-interest
Subject: Archive of larch-interest@pa.dec.com available
From: horning
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 95 13:59:25 -0800
Delivery-Date: Wed, 25 Jan 95 14:04:41 -0800
For a reverse chronological archive of past substantive messages to the
list, point your favorite Web browser at URL
Whew! That's a mouthful! (Also, some attempts to connect have timed
out. You may have to be persistent.)
This archive was converted from an mh mail folder by a program called
MHonArc [sic], whose principal merit is that someone showed me how to do
the entire conversion (and set up a procedure to keep it up to date) with
an investment of only a couple of hours of my time. There is still room
for improvement, and I am looking for volunteers.
I'm told that the active links to e-mail addresses in the messages work
with browsers like Netscape--but they don't with Mosaic 2.4 :-( .
It would be nice if the index showed message dates, but I don't know
any easy way to do this with MHonArc.
Those of you who prefer to look at Larch mail in larger batches, rather
than mixed with e-mail, may wish to desubscribe to the list and just use
the archive. That is why I decided to order the index with the most recent
messages at the top.
For the very observant: Although @src.dec.com will continue to work for the
foreseeable future, @pa.dec.com is now the preferred form.
I append excerpts from some of the responses to my message of 01/13/95
about whether there is a better way to manage communications about Larch.
Jim H.
From: Paul Grabow <Paul_Grabow@BAYLOR.EDU>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 14:10:26 -0600
I think that you are correct concerning the amount of effort to setup a
newsgroup. I would opt for the WWW home page. Someone I know here at
Baylor has done that and he told me that it was not difficult. I'll ask
him what it would involve.
From: sims@usa.acsys.com (dave sims)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 13:18 MST
With respect to high Larch traffic, a user can simply install 'procmail'.
I'm on a bunch of mailing lists, and procmail snarfs the incoming mail from
those lists and stores them in special files that I can browse at my
convenience. My mailbox is never cluttered by mailing list traffic, no
matter how much traffic there is.
ps: I'm not sure where I got procmail; try archie
From: Daniel Jackson <dnj@cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 16:23:42 -0500
i don't have time to read news groups, so this works much better for me. if
the traffic stays reasonably low (say 2 msgs/week) email is fine.
here's what i'd really like: a moderated discussion like the theory mailing
list albert meyer (or was it vaughan pratt?) did. the moderator can
package requests together, and collate good answers.
... This kind of job demands the experience and wisdom of someone who's
been in the field far longer than me; someone preferably involved in the
early development of Larch and specifications in general; someone who can
bridge the gap between the academics on the list and the industrial
practitioners (a researcher at an industrial lab would be ideal); and,
since I assume we'll be expanding (like the trading houses) into Asian
markets, someone in the appropriate time zone.
From: leavens@cs.iastate.edu (Gary Leavens)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 15:44:34 CST
One interim possibility is to have separate lists for interface
language issues and another for shared langauge issues and LP. (I think
the shared langauge issues and LP should be still in the same list.)
Eventually we could break down the interface language issues by language as
You might also want a hierarchy of lists, so that someone could
subscribe to larch-interest and receive everything on all the sublists.
(Gee, does this sound like subtyping? :-)
It may also be that once us academics get back to teaching classes,
things will calm down... Classes here start Tuesday.
From: jacob@latcs1.lat.oz.au ("Jacob L. Cybulski")
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 10:43:19 +1100 (EST)
I think a News group is a very good idea. Most of the news readers also
have better facilities to select or filter out the items of interest to the
I am also certain that many of the comp.specification readers would be
interested in comp.specification.larch group as well. And since the
comp.specification.z group is very popular I do not see any reasons why the
larch group would not produce a similar traffic of news items.
From: pearce@sce.carleton.ca (Trevor Pearce)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 14:23:27 -0500 (EST)
Here is my suggestion (a blatant rip-off from Anthony Finkelstien's
requirements engineering group!):
The LNL (larch news letter) might be one way of keeping the less intense
people informed without having to filter the daily user traffic. LNL could
contain noteworthy and relevant announcements and info, but new issues
would only appear every month or two. Back issues would of course be
somewhere on the WWW, as would a record of the larch-interest
"proceedings". Interested people, including the larch-interest regulars
could be encouraged to submit things like: release notes about new tools,
calls for _______ for relevant conferences, notes about new uses and
results. A section of the LNL I would be particularly keen to read would
be the "Recent Publications" section where authors announce recent
larch-related publications and give a BRIEF overview (of course with
reference to themselves and the publications at a WWW site for those who
might be interested).
Hmmm .... rethinking: perhaps the LNL could be just made available at a WWW
site and all that gets sent to subscribers is a short note saying that a
new issue is now posted at site ____ .
I would gladly subscribe to something like LNL and take my name off of the
larch-interest group (too much mail at too low a level -- not enough big
picture, scattered into too many little pieces).
Only down side of this is that LNL would need a knowledgable, motivated and
dedicated editor. I realize this is not a trivial undertaking (just ask
Anthony) ... but its one more suggestion thrown into the pot.
From: GAFeldman@aol.com
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 1995 20:31:35 -0500
My belief is that a newsgroup is the right way to go, and that the
bureaucracy should not get in the way. Let me check with my
office mate (who maintains xrn and moderates some of the
generic news.* groups) about the details.