FWD: WIFT Preliminary Announcement
To: larch-interest
Subject: FWD: WIFT Preliminary Announcement
From: horning
Date: Fri, 06 Jan 95 12:00:59 -0800
Delivery-Date: Fri, 06 Jan 95 12:15:48 -0800
------- Forwarded Message
From: Robert France <robert@sunrise.cse.fau.edu>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 95 14:14:26 EST
To: wift95@sunrise.cse.fau.edu
Subject: WIFT Preliminary Announcement
Registration forms are now available from the IEEE-CS
in Washington DC (see below for details). They can
mail or fax you a copy. Below are WIFT'95 details,
including registration, hotel reservation, and program info.
New information is also available on the WWW page (see below
for URL). If you intend to attend WIFT'95 you can register
your interest via the WWW page or send me email (robert@cse.fau.edu).
Please contact me if you have any questions on WIFT'95.
Look forward to meeting you in April.
Please distribute widely
(A postscript version will soon be available)
The 1995 Workshop on Industrial-Strength Formal Specification Techniques
The Sheraton Inn, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA
April 5-8, 1995
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society,
Technical Council on Software Engineering
In cooperation with Florida Atlantic University
WIFT'95 will bring together software engineering professionals
from North America, Europe, and Asia to report
on, analyze, and synthesize experiences related to the
industrial applications of formal specification techniques.
The workshop has three major parts: tutorials, general technical
sessions, and working group sessions. The tutorials cover some
of the more established formal methods tools, techniques
and methods that are currently used in industries and government
agencies. Papers in the general technical session vary
from those that report on experiences, to
those that present novel approaches to, and/or perspectives on, the industrial
applications of formal methods. The group sessions provide highly-focused
and structured forums for analyzing
and synthesizing experiences related to the industrial uses of formal methods.
There will also be a tools session in which demonstrations of tools supporting
the building and manipulation of formal specifications will be given.
(WWW users see http://www.cse.fau.edu/WIFT for information on WIFT'95)
WIFT'95 Chairs
Organizing Chairs: Robert France,
Maria Larrondo-Petrie (Florida Atlantic University)
Tel: 407-367-3857 (Robert)
fax: 407-367-2800
email: robert@cse.fau.edu
Program Chair: Susan Gerhart (RICIS)
Europe Coordinator: Tom Docker (CITI, England)
Asia Coordinator: T. H. Tse (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Tutorial Chairs: Betty Cheng (Michigan State University),
Lesley Semmens (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Technical Meeting Rates (US currency)
Advance (until March 10)
IEEE Members: $310 Non-members: $385 Full-time student IEEE members: $100
On-site (due after March 10)
IEEE Members: $370 Non-members: $460 Full-time student IEEE members: $120
Tutorial Rates
Advance - Half Day (until March 10)
IEEE Members: $180 Non-members: $225
Advance - Full Day (until March 10)
IEEE Members: $340 Non-members: $425
On-site - Half Day (due after March 10)
IEEE Members: $215 Non-members: $270
On-site - Full Day (due after March 10)
IEEE Members: $405 Non-members: $505
Registration Forms are available from:
IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.,
Washington, DC 20036-1992. tel: +1-202-371-1013; fax: +1-202-728-0884.
WIFT Hotel Rate:
$85 plus tax per night, single/double occupancy, until March 22, 1995
Call hotel to make reservations at +1-800-394-7829 (Fax: +1-407-750-5437).
Wednesday, April 5, 1995 (8am - 5pm)
Morning Session (tutorials run in parallel)
``Specification of Telephony systems with LOTOS''
Luigi Logrippo (University of Ottawa)
``Formal Development in B abstract machine notation''
K.Lano (Imperial College)
H. Haughton (Imperial College)
`` Rigorous Requirements for Real-Time Systems: Evolution and Application
of the SCR Method''
S. Faulk (Kamen Sciences Corp.)
C. Heitmeyer (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Afternoon Session (tutorials run in parallel)
``Mechanically Checked Formal Specification and Verification using PVS''
John Rushby (SRI International)
``Z: An Active Approach''
Neville Dean (Anglia Polytechnic University)
Michael G. Hinchey (University of Cambridge)
``The RSML notation and its application to TCAS II (Traffic alert and
Collision Avoidance System II)''
M. Heimdahl (Michigan State University)
Thursday, April 6, 1995 (8am - 5pm)
General Technical Session 1 - 9:am to 10:30am
Formal Verification of the AAMP5 Microprocessor - A Case Study in the Industrial
Use of Formal Methods
Steven P. Miller, Collins Commercial Avionics, Rockwell International Corporation;
Mandayam Srivas, SRI International, USA.
The Architectural Specification of an Avionic Subsystem
L. M. Barroca, Open University,
J.S. Fitzgerald, U. Newcastle upon Tyne,
L. Spencer, British Aerospace Defence Ltd.; UK
Experiences in Applying Formal Methods to the Analysis of Software and System
David Hamilton, Loral Systems;
Rick Covington, John Kelly, Jet Propulsion Lab, USA.
General Technical Session 2 - 10:45am to 12:15pm
Inhibitors to Formal Method Exploitation - Cause or Symptom
George Cleland , Donald MacKenzie, University of Edinburgh, UK.
A C++ Library for Implementing Specifications
C. Minkowitz, D. Rann, J. H. Turner, Staffordshire University, UK.
Adding Formal Specifications to a Proven V & V Process for System-Critical Flight
Jon Hagar, Martin Marietta Astronautics Company;
James Bieman, Colorado State University, USA
Group Sessions - 2pm to 5pm
Group 1: Formal methods based processes
co-chairs: Betty Cheng (Michigan State University)
Tony Bryant (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Group 2: Integrated formal and structured (including object-oriented) methods
co-chairs: Pat Allen (Huddersfield University)
Lesley Semmens (Leeds Metropolitan University)
Group 3: Technology Transfer
co-chairs: Susan Gerhart (RICIS)
George Cleland (University of Edinburgh)
Group 4: Formal methods in the development of real-time/critical/complex systems
co-chairs: Mauro Pezze (Politecnico di Milano)
Connie Heitmeyer (US Naval Research Lab)
Tools session - 5:30pm - 8pm
Friday, April 7, 1995 (8am - 5pm)
Guest Speaker: Pamela Zave (AT&T Bell Laboratories) - 8am to 9am
General Technical Session 3 - 9:10am to 10:55am
Automatic Verification of Industrial Designs
V. Hartonas-Garmhausen, Union Switch and Signal,
T. Jurfess, Georgia Institute of Technology,
E. Clarke,, Carnegie Mellon University,
D. Long, AT& T Bell Labs, USA.
Timing Analysis of Industrial Real-Time Systems
S. Campos, E. Clarke, W. Marrero, M. Minea, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Automated Modular Specification and Verification of Real-Time Reactive Systems
Jonathan S. Ostroff, York University, Canada.
Formal Validation of Virtual Finite State Machines
Alan R. Flora-Holmquist, Mark G. Staskauskas, AT& T Bell Laboratories, USA.
General Technical Session 4 - 11am to 12:30pm
A Formal Approach to Reactive Systems Software: A Telecommunications
Application in Esterel
Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan, AT& T Bell Laboratories,
Carlos Puchol, U. Texas at Austin,, AT& T, USA.
A Calculus of Hazard for Railway Signalling
Michael Ingleby, David J. Mee, British Rail Research, UK.
Experiences with Specification and Verification in LOTOS: A Report on Two Case
Carron Kirkwood , Muffy Thomas, U. of Glasgow, UK
Group Session - 1:45pm to 5pm
Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 continue to meet.
Saturday, April 8, 1995 (8am - 12:30pm)
8am to 10am: Presentation of group sessions major results
10:10am to 12:15pm: PANEL: Promoting Formal Methods in Industry.
This wrap-up panel will, among other things,
comment on progress in the field as
seen through WIFT'95 and identify further activities for promoting
the industrialization of formal techniques.
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