Lectureships at St Andrews, Scotland
These are "tenure-track" posts, although in the UK system tenure is fairly
automatic. I would welcome informal enquiries.
Ursula Martin
University of St Andrews
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Division of Computer Science
Applications are invited for two lectureship posts in the above Department.
The successful candidates will be expected to take part in general teaching
duties in the Division and to engage in research. Undergraduate teaching
duties include practical and project supervision.
In addition to a full teaching programme there are substantial research
programmes in the Division funded by EPSRC, Esprit and industry. The
Division has a Research Selectivity Rating of 4A. Persons appointed may
either join one of the research groups or are free to continue with other
research if they so wish.
The people selected for interview will be invited to visit the Department
before the interviews and details of undergraduate teaching and research
work can be discussed more fully at that time.
Salary at appropriate point of the Lecturer A - B scale 14,756 - 25,735.
Application forms and further particulars are available from Personnel
Services, University of St Andrews, College Gate, North Street, St Andrews,
Fife KY16 9AJ or by telephoning 0334 462563 during office hours or 0334
462571 out of hours or by fax 0334 462570. Completed application forms
accompanied by a cv and letter of application should arrive not later than
17 October, 1994.
Informal enquiries may be made to Professor Ron Morrison, Computer Science
Division, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS.
(Tel: 0334 463254, Fax: 0334 463278, e-mail: ron@dcs.st-and.ac.uk).