FWD: CFP Mathematics of Program Construction
To: larch-interest
Subject: FWD: CFP Mathematics of Program Construction
From: horning
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 94 13:22:31 -0700
Cc: horning
Delivery-Date: Mon, 08 Aug 94 13:33:55 -0700
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From: ianh@cs.uq.oz.au (Ian Hayes)
Date: 2 Aug 1994 01:41:56 GMT
Subject: CFP Mathematics of Program Construction
Newsgroups: comp.software-eng,comp.specification,comp.specification.z
Reply-To: ianh@cs.uq.oz.au
MPC '95
Third International Conference on the
17th--21st July, 1995
Kloster Irsee, Germany
The general theme of this series of conferences is the use of crisp,
clear mathematics in the discovery and design of algorithms and in
the development of corresponding software or hardware. The previous
two conferences were held in 1989 at Twente, Netherlands, organised
by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and in 1992 at Oxford, United
Kingdom. The conference theme reflects the growing interest in formal,
mathematically based methods for the construction of software and
hardware. The goal of the MPC conferences is to report on and
significantly advance the state of the art in this area.
The emphasis is on the combination of c o n c i s e n e s s and
p r e c i s i o n in c a l c u l a t i o n a l t e c h n i q u e s
for program construction. Typical areas are:
- formal specification of sequential and concurrent programs;
- constructing implementations to meet specifications;
in particular,
- program transformation;
- program analysis;
- program verification;
- convincing case studies.
While this list is not exclusive it is intended to show the focus of the
The proceedings will be published as Springer LNCS, ready at
the conference.
Kloster Irsee is a former Baroque monastery located in the Southwest
of Bavaria, Germany, close to the Alps. It can be reached by train
from the airports Munich and Stuttgart.
Ralph-Johan Back Finland
Roland Backhouse Netherlands
Geoff Dromey Australia
David Gries USA
Ian Hayes Australia
Rick Hehner Canada
Wim Hesselink Netherlands
Gerard Huet France
Cliff Jones UK
Anne Kaldewaij Netherlands
Lambert Meertens Netherlands
Bernhard M\"oller Germany (Chair)
Oege de Moor UK
Carroll Morgan UK
Helmut Partsch Germany
Ross Paterson UK
Christine Paulin-Mohring France
Peter Pepper Germany
Wolfgang Reif Germany
Beverly Sanders Switzerland
Fred Schneider USA
Mary Sheeran Sweden
Doug Smith USA
Wlad Turski Poland
Submission Dec. 1, 1994
Notification March 1, 1995
Final version due May 1, 1995
Prof. Dr. B. M\"oller (MPC '95)
Institut f\"ur Mathematik
Universit\"at Augsburg
D-86135 Augsburg
E-mail: moeller@uni-augsburg.de
Fax: +49 821 598 2274
% The following announcement is formatted in Latex
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\centerline{\Huge \bf MPC '95}
\vskip 0.1in
\centerline{\Large \bf Third International Conference on the}
\vskip 0.1in
\vskip 0.2in
\centerline{ \Large \bf 17th--21st July, 1995}
\centerline{ \Large \bf Kloster Irsee, Germany}
\centerline{ \Large Call For Papers}
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bf PROGRAMME COMMITTEE} \\
Ralph-Johan Back & Finland \\
Roland Backhouse & Netherlands \\
Geoff Dromey & Australia \\
David Gries & USA \\
Ian Hayes & Australia \\
Rick Hehner & Canada \\
Wim Hesselink & Netherlands \\
Gerard Huet & France \\
Cliff Jones & UK \\
Anne Kaldewaij & Netherlands \\
Lambert Meertens & Netherlands \\
Bernhard M\"oller & Germany (Chair) \\
Oege de Moor & UK \\
Carroll Morgan & UK \\
Helmut Partsch & Germany \\
Ross Paterson & UK \\
Christine Paulin- & \\
\multicolumn{1}{r}{Mohring} & France \\
Peter Pepper & Germany \\
Wolfgang Reif & Germany \\
Beverly Sanders & Switzerland \\
Fred Schneider & USA \\
Mary Sheeran & Sweden \\
Doug Smith & USA \\
Wlad Turski & Poland
\begin{tabular}{lr@{\ }l}
{\small \bf SCHEDULE} & \\
Submission & Dec. & 1, 1994\\
Notification & March & 1, 1995\\
Final version due & May & 1, 1995
{\small \bf CORRESPONDENCE} \\
Prof. Dr. B. M\"oller (MPC '95)\\
Institut f\"ur Mathematik\\
Universit\"at Augsburg\\
D-86135 Augsburg\\
E-mail: moeller@uni-augsburg.de\\
Fax: +49 821 598 2274\\
The general theme of this series of conferences is the use of crisp,
clear mathematics in the discovery and design of algorithms and in
the development of corresponding software or hardware. The previous
two conferences were held in 1989 at Twente, Netherlands, organised
by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, and in 1992 at Oxford, United
Kingdom. The conference theme reflects the growing interest in formal,
mathematically based methods for the construction of software and
hardware. The goal of the MPC conferences is to report on and
significantly advance the state of the art in this area.
\centerline{\bf TOPICS}
The emphasis is on the combination of {\em conciseness} and {\em precision}
in {\em calculational techniques} for program construction. Typical
areas are:
formal specification of sequential and concurrent programs;
constructing implementations to meet specifications;
in particular,
program transformation;
program analysis;
program verification;
convincing case studies.
While this list is not exclusive it is intended to show the focus of the
The proceedings will be published as Springer LNCS, ready at
the conference.
\centerline{\bf VENUE}
Kloster Irsee is a former Baroque monastery located in the Southwest
of Bavaria, Germany, close to the Alps. It can be reached by train
from the airports Munich and Stuttgart.
Dr Ian Hayes ACSNet: Ian.Hayes@cs.uq.oz.au
Mail: Department of Computer Science, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland 4072, Australia.
Work: +61 (7) 365 2386. FAX: +61 (7) 365 1999. Timezone: GMT+10 hours.
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