Larch survey
Dear Larch-Interest Subscriber:
I am curious to know about the people who read this mailing list. Who
are you and what is your interest in Larch? So, at the suggestion of
Jim Horning, I am conducting an informal survey. For your convenience
I've appended a short questionnaire for you to fill out and return to
me (wing@cs.cmu.edu). I'd like to summarize the results by Friday,
July 22. If you feel pressed for time, please just answer the first
two questions. Don't feel obligated to follow my format if you prefer
to answer my questions in your own words.
Thanks very much for your cooperation. I'll post the poll results on
larch-interest of course.
Jeannette Wing
===============Larch Survey========================================
1. Administrative Data
Title/Position (e.g., faculty, graduate student, undergraduate
senior researcher, software engineer):
Research Interests (if applicable):
2. Why are you interested in Larch? Why do you subscribe to the
larch-interest mailing list?
I am interested in Larch because (fill in blank space):
3. How do you USE Larch?
a. I use the following Larch LANGUAGES (check all that apply):
[] LSL (Larch Shared Language)
[] LCL (Larch/C Interface Language)
[] LM3 (Larch/Modula-3 Interface Language)
[] Larch/Ada
[] Larch/Smalltalk
[] Larch/C++
[] GCIL (Larch Generic Concurrent Interface Language)
[] Other(s) ____________________________________
(fill in the blank)
b. I use the languages for specifying problems in the following
DOMAINS and/or EXAMPLES (fill in blank space with
a short description of your problem domains, case studies, etc.):
c. I use the following Larch TOOLS (check all that apply):
[] LSL checker
[] LCL checker
[] LCLint
[] LP
[] Other(s) _____________________________________
(fill in the blank)
d. I use LP for specifying/proving properties in the following
DOMAINS and/or EXAMPLES (fill in blank space with
a short description of your problem domains, case studies, etc.):
e. I TEACH Larch (check all that apply):
[] in an undergraduate course
[] software engineering
[] formal methods
[] other(s) _____________________________________
(title(s) or nature of course(s))
[] in a graduate course
[] software engineering
[] formal methods
[] other(s) _____________________________________
(title(s) or nature of course(s))
[] other(s) ________________________________________
(title(s) or nature of course(s))
4. Larch WISH list. What additional or improved support for Larch would you
like to see?
I wish for:
[] Tool support for:
(Larch language and/or specification/programming/proving activity)
[] Improvements to existing tools:
[] LSL checker __________________________________
(What improvements?)
[] LCL checker __________________________________
(What improvements?)
[] LCLint______ _________________________________
(What improvements?)
[] LP ___________________________________________
(What improvements?)
[] Other(s)______________________________________
(names of tools and what improvements?)
[] More documented case studies
(What kind?)
[] More Larch books
(What kind?)
[] More Larch interface languages for:
(names of programming languages)
[] More formal semantics of:
(name(s) of Larch languages)
[] Other____________________________________
5. What do you perceive to be the advantages and disadvantages of Larch?
a. I like Larch because (fill in blank space):
b. I don't like Larch because (fill in blank space):
6. Other Information About You
I use these other formal methods, languages, tools:
[] Z
[] VDM
[] CSP
[] CCS
[] HOL
[] Boyer-Moore
[] Other(s)_____________________________________
(fill in blank)
7. Anything else you'd like to add: