FWD: CFP: Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'95)
To: larch-interest
Subject: FWD: CFP: Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'95)
From: horning
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 11:48:18 -0700
Cc: horning
Delivery-Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 11:51:05 -0700
This has been a receptive forum for Larch in the past...
------- Forwarded Message
From: pdm@gorm.daimi.aau.dk (Peter D. Mosses)
Date: 28 Jun 1994 07:20:29 GMT
Subject: CFP: Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT'95)
Newsgroups: comp.specification
TAPSOFT'95 is the Sixth International Joint Conference on the Theory and
Practice of Software Development. It will be held at the University of
Aarhus, Denmark. The TAPSOFT series was started in Berlin in 1985, on the
initiative of Hartmut Ehrig and Christiane Floyd (among others). Since then
it has been held biennially, in Pisa, Barcelona, Brighton, and Orsay. The
overall aim of TAPSOFT was formulated as:
to bring together theoretical computer scientists and software
engineers (researchers and practitioners) with a view to
discussing how formal methods can usefully be applied in software
As part of TAPSOFT'95, Ehrig and Floyd will review what has been achieved
within the TAPSOFT area during the past decade, and consider prospects for
the future.
TAPSOFT is traditionally divided into three sections:
CAAP: Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming
-- covering a wide range of topics in theoretical
computer science
FASE: Colloquium on Formal Approaches in Software Engineering
-- with the emphasis on practical applicability
Invited talks: on a variety of relevant topics.
In recognition of the importance of support tools for practical use of
formal approaches, TAPSOFT'95 will also have a session where tools are
Hartmut Ehrig A Decade of TAPSOFT: Progress and Prospects
Christiane Floyd Theory and Practice of Software Development:
Steps in an Unfolding Dance
Marie-Claude Gaudel Testing can be Formal too!
Joseph Goguen Reconciling Social and Technical Aspects of
Computer Systems
Dexter Kozen New Results on Set Constraints
Vaughan Pratt Rational Mechanics.
Facilities will be provided for holding short specialized workshops and
other meetings (e.g., meetings of ESPRIT Basic Research Projects and
Working Groups) in conjunction with TAPSOFT'95. Please contact the TAPSOFT
organisers as soon as possible, if interested.
TAPSOFT Steering Committee:
A. Arnold, P. Degano, H. Ehrig, M.-C. Gaudel, T. Maibaum, U. Montanari,
M. Nivat, F. Orejas.
TAPSOFT'95 Organising Committee:
P. D. Mosses (chair), K. K. Moeller, M. Nielsen, M. I. Schwartzbach.
Programme Committee:
Andre Arnold (France) Jan Willem Klop (Netherlands)
Bruno Courcelle (France) Ugo Montanari (Italy)
Josep Diaz (Spain) Mogens Nielsen (chair, Denmark)
Volker Diekert (Germany) Colin Stirling (Britain)
Hartmut Ehrig (Germany) Wolfgang Thomas (Germany)
Juhani Karhumaki (Finland) Sophie Tison (France)
This colloquium series was originally devoted to the algebraic and
combinatorial properties of trees, and their role in various fields of
Computer Science. The importance of trees in Computer Science is now firmly
established, and the study of their algebraic, logical, and combinatorial
properties has made significant progress. Many other structures such as
graphs are playing similar roles and deserve similar theoretical studies.
In keeping with CAAP's traditions while accounting for these new trends,
CAAP'95 will cover
algebraic, logical and combinatorial properties of discrete
structures and their applications to Computer Science.
Contributions on the following topics are especially welcome:
- Properties of discrete structures such as strings, trees, graphs, etc.
- The theory of formal languages, considered in a broad sense,
i.e., automata, grammars, systems of equations, rewriting systems, etc.
- Syntax and semantics of programming languages
- Algorithms and data-structures
- Logic and formal verification
- Theoretical problems arising in software development.
Programme Committee:
Egidio Astesiano (Italy) Bernd Mahr (Germany)
David Basin (Germany) Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Veronique Donzeau-Gouge (France) Don Sannella (Britain)
Marie-Claude Gaudel (France) Michael Schwartzbach (chair, Denmark)
Bengt Jonsson (Sweden) Bernhard Steffen (Germany)
Paul Klint (Netherlands) Reinhard Wilhelm (Germany)
This colloquium aims at being a forum where different formal approaches to
problems of
software specification, development, and verification
are presented, compared, and discussed. Contributions on the following
topics are especially welcome:
- Formal concepts for software development
- Software development using formal methods
- Formal approaches for real-time and distributed systems
- Provably correct software, and verification methods
- Reports on case studies of applications of formal methods
- Programming languages and type systems
- Tools and environments supporting formal approaches
-- possibly in conjunction with demonstrations.
Original papers on topics relevant to CAAP'95 and FASE'95 are sought.
Prospective authors are invited to submit five copies of a full draft paper
(in English). N.B. The final paper should be no more than 15 pages in the
Springer-Verlag format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (the series in
which the Proceedings of TAPSOFT'95 should be published); see the back cover
of a recent volume for details. Submissions need not adhere to that format,
but those that are clearly too long will be rejected immediately.
Papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere.
Each submission should include a short abstract, and should clearly indicate
an address for correspondence, with e-mail address if available. Authors
who have no access to photocopying facilities may submit a single copy.
Electronically submitted papers will not be considered. Papers that attempt
to establish links between different approaches and/or include expository or
survey material, as well as presenting original results, will be welcomed.
Papers will be carefully refereed and will be judged on the basis of
relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and clarity.
Demonstrations of tools supporting formal approaches to software development
are welcome. Proposers of demonstrations should submit one copy of a
brief draft description of the tools, making clear the relevance to TAPSOFT
(about two pages). The hardware and software requirements for installing
and demonstrating the tools should be specified on a separate page. Both
an address for correspondence and an e-mail address should be clearly
indicated. Proposals of demonstrations may be submitted by e-mail (plain
text or uuencoded PostScript).
DATES 15 Oct 1994 Deadline for receipt of submissions
1 Dec 1994 Notification of acceptance sent
1 Feb 1995 Final paper due
22--26 May 1995 Presentation at conference
Papers arriving late may be rejected immediately, without refereeing. The
receipt of all submitted papers will be acknowledged.
The address for submissions to CAAP and FASE is:
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Aarhus
Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Please include a covering letter specifying whether the submission is to
CAAP or FASE. (The Programme Committees may however transfer accepted
papers between the two colloquia, when appropriate.) Tool demonstration
proposals may be sent to the above address, or electronically to:
E-mail: tapsoft@daimi.aau.dk
Fax: +45 8942 3255
Further information about TAPSOFT'95 (including formatted versions of this
Call for Papers) will be made available for electronic access using World
Wide Web:
open file://ftp.daimi.aau.dk/pub/TAPSOFT/README.html
and anonymous FTP:
ftp ftp.daimi.aau.dk
cd pub/TAPSOFT
The final programme should be available by early January 1995. This,
and other information, can also be obtained by sending a request marked
TAPSOFT'95 by post, e-mail, or fax to the above address.
TAPSOFT'95 is hosted by BRICS -- Basic Research in Computer Science -- a
Centre of the Danish National Research Foundation, and sponsored by:
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