
FWD: CFP Workshop on Industrial-strength Formal specification Techniques

Wouldn't it be nice to have a strong Larch representation here?

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From: robert@cse.fau.edu (Robert France)
Date: 28 Feb 1994 23:52:57 GMT
Subject: Formal Methods Workshop CFP
Newsgroups: comp.specification,comp.specification.Z

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

              Workshop on Industrial-strength 
              Formal specification Techniques

                      April 5-8, 1995
                   Boca Raton, Florida USA

               Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, 
            Technical Committee on Software Engineering
          in cooperation with Florida Atlantic University

Process support for formal specification techniques
There is a growing realization that formal specification
techniques (FSTs), when effectively incorporated into development
processes, can lead to the creation of high quality systems.
This has led to increased research interest in the 
problems associated with the industrial application of
FSTs. An important area of research in this respect is
concerned with the development of industrial-strength 
development processes based on FSTs. Such processes
are needed to support effective and systematic application 
of FSTs in an industrial development environment.

WIFT'95 aims at bringing together researchers and 
practitioners from around the world to work on problems
in the industrial application of FSTs. 

The following are some of the topics that will be emphasized
during the workshop:

   o Incorporating FSTs into the development process

   o Integrating formal and informal specification techniques

   o Use of FSTs in software reengineering

   o Use of FSTs in domain analysis and systematic reuse processes

   o Industrial applications of FSTs

   o CASE tool support for FSTs

   o FSTs and software engineering education

Papers for publication are solicited on research, industrial 
experience, and case studies. In addition, proposals for full
or half day tutorials, panel sessions, and working groups are

Submission Information:
A submitted paper or proposal must be in English, must not
have been published or submitted elsewhere for publication, 
must be printed using at least 11pt type and 1-1/2 line
spacing and should not exceed 20 pages.
A proposal for a panel session or working group should 
include a statement of objectives, short biographies of
potential participants (participants should be committed 
before proposal is submitted), a brief description of the 
subject to be covered, and the group's rationale and 
relevance to the workshop.
Five copies of the paper or (session/working group) proposal
should be submitted to the Program Chair or appropriate
Regional Coordinator by August 26, 1994. 

Susan Gerhart,
RICIS, University of Houston-Clear Lake,
Houston, TX 77058, USA
tel: +1-713-283-3800
fax: +1-713-283-3810
email: gerhart@cl.uh.edu

Tom Docker, 
CITI Ltd.,
Challenge House, Sherwood Dr.,
Bletchley MK6 3DP, UK
tel: +44-908-377800
fax: +44-908-371257
email: 100121.2156@compuserve.com

T. H. Tse, 
Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Hong Kong, 
Pokfulam Rd., Hong Kong
tel: +852-859-2183
fax: +852-559-8447
email: tse@csd.hku.hk

A tutorial proposal should include a detailed outline of 
the material, a description of past experiences with the 
tutorial, an assessment of the materials' maturity, and 
credentials of the instructor. Five copies of the proposal
should be submitted to a tutorial co-chair by August 26, 1994.

Betty Cheng, 
Dept. of Computer Science,
Michigan State University, 
A714 Wells Hall, East Lansing,
Michigan 48824-1027, USA
tel: +1-517-355-8344
fax: +1-517-336-1061
email: chengb@cps.msu.edu

Lesley Semmens, 
Faculty of Information and Engineering Systems,
Leeds Metropolitan University, 
The Grange, Beckett Park,
Leeds LS6 3GS, UK
tel: +44-532-832600 ext 3680
fax: +44-532-833182
email: L.Semmens@lmu.ac.uk

If you would like more information on the workshop and/or would
like to be on the workshop's mailing list please contact the
organizing co-chairs. 

Robert France,
Maria Larrondo-Petrie, 
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Florida Atlantic University, 
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991, USA
tel (Robert): +1-407-367-3857
tel (Maria): +1-407-367-3899
fax: +1-407-367-2800
email: robert@cse.fau.edu
email: maria@cse.fau.edu

August 26, 1994: Submission deadline

November 18, 1994: Acceptance notification

January 4, 1995: Camera-ready copy

Pat Allen (Huddersfield Univ., UK)
Pier Giorgio Bosco (CSELT, Italy)
Jonathan Bowen (Oxford Univ., UK)
Peter Breuer (Univ. Poli. de Madrid, Spain)
Tony Bryant (Leeds Metro. Univ., UK)
Jane Cameron (Bellcore, USA)
Betty Cheng (Michigan State Univ., USA)
Bernie Cohen (City Univ., UK)
Dan Craigen (ORA, Canada)
Vivien Hamilton (Rolls-Royce & Associates Ltd., UK)
Kevin Lano (Lloyds Register, UK)
F. Joe Lin (Bellcore, USA)
Sandro Morasca (Poli. di Milano, Italy)
Mauro Pezze (Poli. di Milano, Italy)
Fiona Polack (Univ. of York, UK)
Lesley Semmens (Leeds Metro. Univ., UK)
Jeannette Wing (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
Robert B. France                              |    Tel: (407) 367-3857
CS&E Dept, Florida Atlantic University,       |    Fax: (407) 367-2800   
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991                     |    email: robert@cse.fau.edu

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