Puzzling syntax
To: larch-interest
Subject: Puzzling syntax
From: davidg@oracorp.com
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 17:52:31 EST
Delivery-Date: Thu, 09 Dec 93 06:47:07 -0800
I've been looking at the LSL 2.3 Reference Grammar and I'm puzzled by
the syntax for a "consequences":
consequences ::= IMPLIES
{ traitRef*, genPartition* eqPart
| [traitRef+, genPartition+] eqSeq }
As I read this the consequences clause
1. implies
a == b
is syntactically illegal -- because after a traitRef the "equals"
keyword cannot be omitted unless there also occurs at least one
genPartition. The situation could be repaired by omitting the
2. implies
a == b
or by adding the "equations" keyword
3. implies
a == b
or by sticking in a genPartition
4. implies
S generated by f,g
a == b
This rule strikes me as peculiar and unnatural. Would anything useful
be lost by simplifying the syntax to
consequences ::= IMPLIES
traitRef*, genPartition* eqPart
After this simplification only 3 would be legal and the user who
wanted to express the meaning of 2 would have to use, instead
2'. implies
a == b
It's hard to claim that this is unnacceptably prolix, given that the
same maneuver is required in a propPart:
a == b
The simplification would make the syntax of consequences a natural
generalization of that for propPart:
propPart ::= ASSERTS
genPartition* eqPart
The current rules strike me as so odd that I figure there must be some
good reason for it that I'm missing.
- David Guaspari