Re: default qualification in Larch/C?
To: leavens@cs.iastate.edu (Gary Leavens)
Subject: Re: default qualification in Larch/C?
From: horning
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 93 11:53:13 -0800
Cc: larch-interest
In-Reply-To: Message of Thu, 4 Mar 93 23:16:37 CST
Good questions. We've grappled with this issue several times, trying
to either make the LM3 model like the LCL model or vice versa. We
keep being driven back to the conclusion that "objects" are just
semantically different in C and in in Modula-3, and that to force
a superficial correspondence leads to problems with one language
or the other.
* * *
There are many ways to view the difference, but perhaps the crispest
distinction is that Modula-3 references never point to anything but
entire objects in the heap. There is no taking addresses of variables,
no address arithmetic, no treatment of arrays as references. "Var"
parameters have mode "VAR," rather than being treated as references.
Thus it is very easy to use a storage model in which there is a (conceptual)
array associated with each reference type, with references acting
as indices into those arrays. In the common case, where the type
referred to is a record or an object, each field can be treated as
an independent (non-aliasable) array, still indexed by references.
Thus, when a reference, say r, appears alone in an expression, we
almost always mean the reference itself, r\obj. But when a component,
say r.f, appears, we are interested in its pre- or post-state value,
f\pre[r] or f\post[r]. If the variable isn't modified, either will
do. Except for the result, we find that f\pre occurs more frequently
than f\post, so we default to that.
In C, however, it is just not feasible to treat pointers as indexes
into the heap. They alias with variables all the time. Furthermore,
it is quite common to be interested in the pre- or post-state value
that a pointer points to, even if it isn't qualified with a field
name. So we need three sugared "flavors" of x. We could have made
x\pre the default, and invented a notation such as x^ for x\obj,
but it seemed funny to desugar x^ as x, x as pre[x], and x' as post[x].
So we chose the more symmetrical sugars x for x, x^ for pre[x], and
x' for post[x]. This decision is certainly debatable (and was debated),
but there is no question that it is the one documented in all the
material about LCL.
* * *
I don't have the experience to know whether C++ usage is so different
from C usage that a designer looking only at C++ would make a different
decision than we made for C. Your example suggests that perhaps
you would. Then you have to decide whether being nicer for C++ is
more important than being compatible with LCL. The designers of C++,
of course, have had to continually wrestle with the same kind of
* * *
Larch/C has x\obj as the default (in pre- and post- conditions
only?) if it is unqualified.
Right. In the modifies clause, x\obj is almost always what you want.
Stack() { // constructor
modifies self;
ensures self' \eq empty;
I would have expected
Stack() { // constructor
ensures self' \eq empty /\ fresh(self\obj);
"self" can't be modified (or can't not be modified, depending on
your point of view), because it doesn't exist in the pre-state.
But you do want to say that it doesn't alias any pre-existing object
(unless that is implicit in your "// constructor" notation).
~Stack() { // destructor
modifies self;
ensures trashed(self);
For the same reasons, I think
~Stack() { // destructor
ensures trashed(self\obj);
This brings the number of explicit qualifications to 7, which isn't
so very different from the 8 required by the LCL conventions.
Jim H.
PS Personally, I hate the need to write x^, especially when, as you
note, the value isn't changing.